Being Will and Jonathan's sister includes...

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- You being the middle child.
- Jonathan is like, 2 or 3 years older than you.
- Will is a few months younger than you
- You being punished for being a Byers as stupid as it sounds.
- One one hand you get shit for being 'zombie boys' sister.
- And on the other hand you get shit for being the 'perverts' little sister as does Will.
- But you'd do anything for each other.
- Like that time Jonathan beat up Steve for calling his family a bunch of mistakes and called you 'a little bitch of a sister'.
- Oh yeah, Steve got a broken face for sure.
- You do the same for Will and Jonathan.
- Like one time, Troy was bullying Will and his friends so you punched him in the face until he pissed himself.
- You being the most motivated out of all of the boys to find Will.
- You became part of Wills group of friends when he goes missing.
- Like, you would talk to his friends occasionally but wasn't really part of the party.
- But then you all worked together to try and find Will.
- Eventually near the end of you guys' search all of the boys kind of liked you.
- You were the backbone of the group.
- Will being the King of Castle Byers and You being the Queen.
- Joyce is probably closest to you because you two are the only girls in the family.
- When Lonnie comes back for a few days, he tries to control you like he's still your dad,
- But no, you don't take his bullshit, in fact you ignore him during his entire visit.
- You approving of Jancy.
- Will trying to include you into his group after come back.
- You and Will have never been so close after he's found.
- You going into the upside down with Joyce and Hopper to get Will out.
- Helping Jonathan and Nancy kill the demogorgon.
- Jonathan didn't like the idea of you helping.
- Because he didn't want you to get hurt.
- But after a long time, a long long time of convincing, he let you help.
- You were the one to come up with the clever traps.
- Going on separate trips to the arcade with Will.
- Trying to take a few of your own little small jobs around town to help out with the family.
- Like you would help sweep in the arcade for the creep of an arcade manager.
- Sometimes, if you'd do a good job, you'd score some extra arcade coins.
- You sharing the arcade coins with Will.
- Having the high score on Dig Dug.
- 90,763 to be exact.
- But yeah, to sum it up, you all love each other.

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