Chapter One

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It was just another night to most creatures.

The moon was full, bright and gleaming in the sky, and stars twinkled, oblivious to the chaos that was about to unravel beneath them.

Bat's were soaring through the night sky, following their casual agenda, and crickets chirped their nightly lullaby.

Just another night.

Then the sirens went off.

'This is not a drill. The annual purge is about to commence. For the next twenty-four hours, all crime is legal, including murder. Those who do not wish to partake in the event, we wish you luck. And those who shall purge, enjoy your cleansing. Let the annual purge commence.'

The purple mare stared blankly at the broadcast screen, her mind reeling and her heart thudding. Her friends had warned her about this. Why hadn't she listened? She thought it was a prank.

And yet, she still wasn't completely convinced. Who knows? Somepony could be hacking her television or something. She sighed and trot to the window, peering out into the darkness. Her eyes darted back and forth down the dimly lit street. Nopony was out. However, it was eerily quiet. The crickets had stopped chirping. Clouds had covered the night sky, leaving nothing but a black abyss as a sky.

The unicorn, Tsuki, decided she should try to get to her friend's house. She would feel more safe when she wasn't alone. She inhaled and slid open the lock, slowly opening the door. She felt silly, as if it was a prank. The new mayor of Ponyville told everypony about the Purge, but she assumed it was a joke. A publicity stunt. So Tsuki was not prepared...

As she quickly made her way through the dark streets, she illuminated her horn so she could see better. Tsuki's white magic lit up the area, and she felt comforted by it. Until she heard a voice.

"Hey! You!!" Followed by laughter. She spun around, and found herself staring wide-eyed at a group of about nine ponies, some stallions, some mares. They all wore terrifying masks, some already stained with blood, though the sirens had only gone off ten minutes ago. While she stared in horror, one of the unicorns from the back teleported behind her, and suddenly, two hooves wrapped around her neck. She let out a cry as she was pushed to the concrete and the group quickly circled around her.

"Aww she looks so scared!" Laughter.

"We're gonna take our time with you." A stallion with a white mask that had black swirls on it leant in close to her face, and slowly unsheathed a knife. He put it up to her neck and Tsuki closed her eyes. She was hyperventilating, heart thudding against her chest as she felt the blade press against her throat. She let out a small whimper, then on instinct, her horn flashed brightly, and the group went flying back. With that, she ran. She sprinted as fast as her hooves could carry her towards Stormy's house.

"We've got a runner!"

"This'll be fun!!"

The group began chasing her. The sound of them gaining only increased her fear as she stumbled blindly towards Stormy's house. Finally Tsuki reached her neighborhood, her hooves worn now, she came into sight of Stormy's house and quickly let out a shout.

"S-Stormy!! Help!" She was yanked back by the group, now being held with a gun to her head. Her ears went down and her eyes began tearing up until she was almost crying.

"P-please don't do this..please." She mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Why not? It's the purge, haven't you heard?" A mare giggled and pulled on Tsuki's mane, causing her to groan in discomfort.

"Stormy!!" The unicorn cried out once more. And this time, with a response. A figure suddenly landed harshly on the ground in front of them, nothing but red eyes visible.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the stallions said, dropping Tsuki on the ground, who began gasping for breath, until pinned down by a hoof.

The figure remained quiet as it eerily began making its way towards the group, now revealing two large wings and the figure of an alicorn. The group suddenly seemed less threatening now as they stared at what they thought to be an evil alicorn, then quickly scampered away, leaving Tsuki on the ground, gasping for breath.

The unicorn looked up at the figure.

"Stormy?" She whispered.

The figure stepped into the light, revealing no other then Stormy. The grey Pegasus with the form of an alicorn and large wings. She was dressed in a sleeveless black hoodie and she had a dark grey bandana wrapped over her muzzle, which she pulled down. She looked scared, which was odd for her character.

"What are you doing out here?!" She exclaimed, lifting the shivering Tsuki off the ground and hugging her tightly.

"I-I didn't know- I thought it was a prank...I-I just..didn't know.." she said, still shaking. Stormy sighed and looked at Tsuki, then pulled away.

 Stormy sighed and looked at Tsuki, then pulled away

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"Alright. Come on, let's go inside. Are you hurt?" Stormy asked, tucking her wings tightly to her side and walking next to Tsuki towards her house.

"" Tsuki looked the opposite direction so Stormy wouldn't see the cut on her neck as they made their way to safety.


Stormy Clouds played by Diverse_Girl03
Tsuki played by KatTsukii
Art by KatTsukii


The End That Never Passed // An Mlp Purge StoryWhere stories live. Discover now