Chapter Seven

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Stormy's eyes opened slowly, droopily. She sat up and yawned, rubbing her eyes and looking around. For a second she was dumb-struck, and had no idea where she was. It all faded however within a matter of seconds, and she crawled out of bed. Her mane was pulled back in a ponytail, that had been washed and brushed the night before. She felt so much better. She threw on her hoodie that Star had allowed her to wash, and glanced al the clock. It was nearly seven am, but it was still slightly dark outside.

The Pegasi ponies hadn't been doing their jobs of keeping the sky clear of clouds, so they had been building up, causing a grey sky that would only get darker with time.

Stormy sighed, and after looking out the window, made her way downstairs, slightly limping. She had a large dark purple bruise forming on her front hoof from when she had fought against the stallions holding her back.

She snuck towards the couch Tsuki was laying on, and considered waking her up. The unicorn was fast asleep, slightly snoring. In her sleep, the blankets had been thrown off of her. Her mane was a mess and she had bags under her eyes. Next to her was an empty bottle of soup, and a rag. Stormy noticed the melted ice pack attached to her hoof, and took it off gently, placing it in the freezer to freeze again.

She then gently woke the sleeping mare up.

"Tsuki. Wake up. Wakey wakey sleepyhead." Stormy said, shaking her lightly. The unicorn shifted for a moment, then her pale red and sea foam green eyes opened. She looked at Stormy.

"Mmh...what time is it?" She mumbled.

"Almost seven. Come on, take a shower, and if you feel better you can try to heal yourself."

Tsuki agreed after a small tantrum, then stumbled her way to the restroom. Needless to say, her hoof felt slightly better, but it wasn't enough she could run in case she needed to.

After a rather long shower, Tsuki emerged, her mane was now neatly combed and slightly damp, and she had clean fur, she threw on her hoodie and limped down the hallway, towards the kitchen where Star and Stormy were chatting. Tsuki stopped and listened to the conversation, though she didn't want to be rude, she couldn't help herself.

"Geez, I was so dramatic last night." Stormy chuckled.

Star responded with a snort, then a sigh.

"So, you girls gonna stay here? You can stay as long as you want....I don't  honk the purge is really going to last long. Surely somepony will defeat the princess's...I still can't believe they both just went crazy and decided not to end the purge."

"Yeah...I looked up what happened last night before bed. Apparently Luna and Celestial just couldn't handle the stress and kind of...snapped. And uh...I can't think we can stay here for long." Stormy's raspy voice seemed to echo through the unicorn's mind as she listened intently.

"What? You can't go back out there!" Star exclaimed.

"We have to...I know Tiger, and I know she's persistent. She can, and will track us down, and I don't want you to be in danger, we've put enough on your shoulders already." The pegasi exclaimed.

'There's no way Tiger knows where we are...' Tsuki thought, her heart thudding. She shook her head and decided to enter the kitchen, pretending she hadn't heard anything.

However, she wasn't the only one who had been listening.

"Alright. They are going to leave." A stallion peered at them through the window, whispering into his walkie talkie.

"When?" Tiger's voice came through.

"Hang on, they're talking right now."

There was a long moment of silence.

"Stormy said that they're leaving after lunch. Want us to follow them?"

"No need." Tiger stated, her voice slightly glitching due to poor transmission, "We'll catch them when they're alone. You stay there. We're on our way." With that, the receiver clicked off, and the stallion sighed, gazing at the three ponies, then grinned.

'I can't wait to get my hooves on one of them.'

He continued smirking, then ducked back down into the bush.


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