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Decades of living on the planet without any reignition. There lies the Cherry Blossom tree that was living in the Ice Kingdom just along the hill.

The Cherry Tree was not only just a tree but it had something very special to it.

Once upon a time there was an existing clansmen just like everyone else , who had kept peace and been neutral for a long period of time just like the mermaid clan who soon after decided to join the movement. But soon after those years they all slowly disappeared , leaving no evidence of any existence of any living clans. No one even remembered who they were anymore due to them for living in peace and harmony for so long.

They all had just became a myth that was never told or dared bothered to since they weren't as important.

Little did they know there was one spirit left who just guard all the remaining cherry trees. She was just born several days after the youngest Ice Prince of the Ice Tribe.

Growing up from the help of her ancestors care she had learned many things to maintain the secrets among her tribe but she was also a handful due to her kind soul, the ancestors even had knew more things about there younging but they have not yet to tell her.

Guarding along the trees and living by herself, her fate was also here for a reason and that reason was for the Ice Prince Ying Kong Shi her first and only friend.

Watching the little boy growing up was the hardest for he was the one who had met her when he was troubled. Of course Ying Kong Shi never knew anything about her but she on the other hand knows every detail of his.

Ying Kong Shi was full of energy and his brave soul was a lot stronger than hers, day in and day out she was always visited by the crying boy , he would always make snow balls and throw it at the tree just to take out his anger on his family or himself .

It was quite strange for him to not be able to cast spells at his age but in her eyes it didn't matter. Being mocked constantly and being negelected by the Prince's and Princesses was much more devastating not to mention even the Ice King his own father? This was a huge deal for Ying Kong Shi and his poor state of mind.

Pink Orchid was relieved to have someone like Prince Ka Suo, Ying Kong Shi really needed someone and Prince Ka Sui was the most beloved brother of his,  there bond was none like the others and  Ying Kong Shi looked up to him with the most respect.

Few years into investigating and pondering about Ying Kong Shis life she had soon determined to leave the Cherry Tree and to be right next to Ying Kong Shi and help him along his journey to become something more than just a down graded Ice Prince.

Roaming around the realm and throwing nearly every book she had laid her hands on, she huffed to herself before dropping herself on the floor lazily without finding any good use of information.

"How can I leave? I am only just a spirit who will be forever stuck inside this tree." Annoyance took over but she didn't want to give up. It was time to make a sneaky and bold choice and that was to call for the help of her ancestors.

Getting up Pink Orchid was scared to asked and it was pretty risky, she had never dared on asking this type of question again with her ancestors and after all they didn't they even really mentioned about the outside world at any chance and they had even ignored her questions if she did had asked. Looking up at the pink sky Pink Orchid then inhaled and bravely called out.

"Many Cherry Blossom Ancestors, Our Peaceful and Beautiful Ancestors. This is your precious Pink Orchid calling out for you. I never under estimated you all and I will always follow you all till the end of time but if it is okay if I get a request? That request is to leave this realm and to discover the outside world? I want to be able to help those in need and to do more than staying here. Ancestors I beg of you. " Waiting for there answer she then frowned as the ancestors wasn't granting her compliances,she knew that this was a risky thing but she had already given up knowing  that they won't bless her with her request, turning her heel to leave the realm the ancestors soon spoke.

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