Dreams Are Like Reality

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"Xing Gui, have you found out anything about the Cherry Blossom Clan?"

Looking up at her brother she then shook her head, it was really confusing. How can they solve something without the missing puzzle piece?

"Why would you guys need to know? " Ying Kong Shi said as they stood and bow before the King.

"Your majesty, we need to know further about Pink Orchid. Nothing  seems to add up. There must be a connection of sort but I can not tell"

"Ge Ge! I found something!" Xing Gui ran towards her brothers as they looked at her with suprise.

"Remember when you said about the White Pollen that was visible during the time between Ying Kong Shi and Wei Yongzheng? It says that the white pollen is the seeds of the Cherry Blossom Hill. Those that have witness the touch if it has been blessed and protected by the ancestors"

Xing Jiu opened his mouth a bit fascinated.

"So my calculations must have been right. Pink Orchid is our guardian, she will be able to help us defeat Yuan Ji, Xing Gui. Read further and tell me what else you have found."

Xing Gui nodded as she hurried back to search.

"Your majesty, you're quiet. Why did you come to me? Is there anything you need?"

"Why is it Pink Orchid? Is she really sacrificing herself for all of us?" Ying Kong Shi asks, he didn't want to believe it. He wanted to change her fate.

"I am not quite sure, she has been severely injured multiple times and recovered miraculously.
Even looking in the future I knew what was going to happen before she even appeared. But when she arrived  everything seem to erased itself as if it was not wanting me to know the outcome for the future. My dreams cant lie." Xing Jiu sighed.

"The future is re-writing itself. And it is us who have to help it"

Ying Kong Shi  tilted his head a bit as he repeated.

"The future has re written itself? For what?"

Xing Jiu inhaled the information as he then explained.

"It's really not clear how this had happened but since Pink Orchid had slipped herself between fate and time. Things had shifted along the moon and changed it's course. It only takes one mistake to change itself. Your majesty, all we have to do is to be patient"

Ying Kong Shi couldn't understand but was there a way to change the future again?

Gripping unto the sheets, sweat had formed unto Pink Orchid forhead as the mark appeared back on her forhead.

The dream was quite different from what she has, standing in paradise that was warmth by fire, she had hued muffles and scream but couldn't hear it due from the happiness she felt

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The dream was quite different from what she has, standing in paradise that was warmth by fire, she had hued muffles and scream but couldn't hear it due from the happiness she felt. Voices lingered through her head leaving chills running throughout her body. The voice had snapped her back to its attention when the voice called for her name, reaching out towards the distance it was to late, the vision was clear, she was once again surrounded by the darkness and in front of the sealed ice tomb .
Taking a step towards the tomb lays some else than her, she was afraid to even know what lies in there. Her heart started to pound through her chest rapidly as she forbid herself to look what was inside. Her body disobey her and made her walked right towards it. Seeing the familiar face laying there made her drop herself into the tomb as she instantly cried.

"Ying Kong Shi! This cant be you! Its not suppose to be you! Ying Kong Shi! Get out of my dream!"

"Ying Kong Shi! This cant be you! Its not suppose to be you! Ying Kong Shi! Get out of my dream!"

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Sitting herself up, her tear then dropped unto the ice tomb as the ice slowly melted.  As soon as she gave Ying Kong Shi one last look, his eyes then opened awoken from his Ice Tomb.

Jerking herself up and panting , she immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to look for Ying Kong Shi.

"Ying Kong Shi!"

Hearing her voice, Ying Kong Shi turned around to see Pink Orchid standing at the entrance

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Hearing her voice, Ying Kong Shi turned around to see Pink Orchid standing at the entrance . Watching her run towards him, her arms had wrapped themselves around his neck as her lips crashes against his. Surprised at the sudden action , Ying Kong Shi didn't deny it but he also responded back to her kiss.

He felt her welcoming him, for they both share something's similar. They couldn't tell the battles they were facing or the sacrifices they both encounter. But they do know those sacrifices was meant for both of them.

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