Settling In

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The full moon was out as it lit the dark night sky, cushioned by silver lined clouds. Pink Orchid sat with the tiny family as they all feast, smiling at the little family reunion the little girl held unto the chicken leg as she giggled at the way her brother was eating

"Ge Ge, when will you get married?"

Yun Fei was in shock as he choked unto his food, His father let out a chuckle as his daughter asked the silly question.

"When your ge get finds the right woman, I will grant him permission" The elder said as he laughed.
Looking over at the female, he felt a bit rude for not introducing themselves.

"I apologized for not being so professional, I didn't even get to introduce ourselves properly. My oldest son is Yun Fei, I believe you already knew that. For my little princess her name is Chunghua. As for me you can call me General"

"Don't be sorry at all, I honestly thank you all," Pink Orchid smiled at the general as she nodded her head.
"My name is Pink Orchid"

Staring just about , Yun Fei face lightened up as he then blurted out a name.
"Pink Orchid?? Makes a lot of sense"

The general chuckled at his son as he nodded in , Plum and beautiful like the orchid it fits her characteristics very well.

Holding up a bowl of alcohol, Yun Fei then held one up as Pink Orchid stared at them and done the same.

"Welcome Pink Orchid, for good faith and forever lasting life"

Chugging down the alcohol, Pink Orchid face scruntched up from the weird taste that burned her throat, Chunghua laughed at her eldest sister as she looked bummed.

They all sat and drinked till the night started to grow short, Pink Orchid was drunk, it didn't take her long to be out. This was her first time drinking and Wei Yongzheng was impressed.

Undoing his enchantment, Chunghua , Yun Fei and The General had dissappeared. This enchantment was specifically made for illusions and he thought if he would kept this longer he could seek questions from Pink Orchid to help him conquer the Ice Kingdom.

Appearing at his normal form , his eyes wandered every part of her beautiful features as his hands slowly placed unto her face. Slightly tracing her lips against his thumb as he soon leaned in to leave a kiss on her forhead, he wanted to kiss her lips but he had stopped himself, Wei Yongzheng sat up immediatley as he huffed and cyrsed to himself.

"How can I fall for a girl? This is not my plan. I am here to use her not to fall in love with her" hissing at himself he just sat there on the bed.
"I need to let her know the real me, not these hallucinations"

"Ying Kong Shi..."

Turning his head from the name she called, he grinded his teeth as he stared at her. Why did it hurt when he called another man name?

The atmosphere got tensed and hearing Pink Orchid calling for Ying Kong Shi was enough. Stomping his way out of the room Wei Yongzheng screamed to himself as he casts his spell to destroy his surroundings.

 Stomping his way out of the room Wei Yongzheng screamed to himself as he casts his spell to destroy his surroundings

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