Reborn Immortal

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The snow was a lot heavier today, blankets of snow begin to build up giving it a beautiful glistening white coat as it covered the whole area with lots if the crystal flakes. Pink Orchid didn't seem to mind, she had been living in the Ice Kingdom for the rest of her life even she think the snow is more beautiful than the Cherry Blossom s themselves. Pulling Ka Suo just along the path a small laughter came from him as he enjoyed his moment with her.

"Where are you taking me?" He said while being dragged by her.

"You'll see!"

Reaching towards the familiar path, Ka Suo glared at the Cherry Blossom Tree as he sighed happily. He never knew that Pink Orchid had known of this place. Maybe she had found it herself and decided to bring him there to share the beauty with him.

"Pink Orchid, you know I don't want to hurt you "

Ka Suo said sternly as his face saddened, why is a outsider giving him so much empathy and so much care in a short amount of time? He feels as if she was one of his.

Watching Pink Orchid letting go of his wrist, her eyes then met his as she rested her hands unto his shoulders while smiling at him confidently.

Watching Pink Orchid letting go of his wrist, her eyes then met his as she rested her hands unto his shoulders while smiling at him confidently

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Both of them laughed together trying to find the negative things and turning it into the positive. This was the day Ka Suo will be a immortal again and it is the day where he will become his old self again.

Having flashbacks of when she was talking to the Ice King and Queen. They all had misunderstood Ying Kong Shi, feeling terrible for there actions they blamed themselves for treating him unnaturally. Pink Orchid knew her cost and knew her consequences, she wouldn't regret it for a chance . Watching Ka Suo catching the snowflakes in his hands, Pink Orchid wanted to watch him enjoy this moment a while.longer before she prepared herself.

Ka Suo looked over at Pink Orchid as his smile dissappeared, the woman expression had sooned changed as she was glowing from the energy.

"Pink Orchid, what are you doing?"

Summoning the Cherry Blossom Spirits from the tree, she had use her aura and the left over spirits to become more powerful. The fairy's instantly woke up from the scent as they all begged and cheered, changing Ka Suo to another state.



Putting all her strength and concentration in the aura, she had started to transfer the spirits to her while exchanging Ka Suo all of her fallen cherry blossoms spirits.

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