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Ka Suo stood inside a small inn as his eyes caught a weary figure stumbling in the mist, the figure then gittwn clearer as he saw his younger brother stumbling to himself.

"Shi!" He said hurrying towards his brother side, Huang Tuo hurried right after as the two helped brought him inside.

Huang Tuo hurried and check on Ying Kong Shi pulse as he felt his heart beating unexpectedly fast, frowning at the unusual behaviour. Huang Tuo placed his palms against his forhead as he jerked his hand away quickly.

"He has a very high fever, I have to reduce it right now. Luna? Will you help me?"

Luna didnt hesitant to help him, grabbing ahold of Ying Kong Shis arm Huang Tuo begin to work on Ying Kong Shi.

Yan Da couldn't stand the fact Ying Kong Shi had tooken this situation, sucking her teeth she had haf to tell Ka Suo to retreat immediately. Turning towards the worried brither Yan Da grabbed his shoukdeds to tirn Ka Suo towards her.

"Ka Suo, look its all your fault. If you didn't tell Ying Kong Shi about her this wouldn't have happen" she hollered ,

Li Luo knew it was fustrating and they didn't need to have this type of action with Ying Kong Shi in this condition, standing up to cool Yan Da down she then looked at Yan Da.

"Yan Da, Ka Suo didn't do anything. Why do you keep blaming him?"

Rolling her eyes she then was at fault for not telling Ka Suo completely, she didn't even know how to put it up with Ying Kong Shi if he even asked but she had to tell them now so they can save him before hurting himself even more.

"Yah- Pink Orchid is the reason why his condition is this way. She had been cursed by her ancestors the day Ying Kong Shi had Defeated the Seven Saints. I managed to stopped them from doing more damage but if I was there earlier I could have stoped the cycle. The only way to keep him alive is to let them both stay apart , or Ying Kong Shi will burn from the inside out" Yan da explained almost choking on the thought.

Ka Suo saddened at the thought, if he was in Ying Kong Shi place he would never be able to be alive if he was cursed to be away from Li Luo.

"Ka Suo, your brother life is in yoir hands" Yan Da said as she uttered.

Ying Kong Shi felt relived, the burning heat inside him had disappeared and he was back to his normal state again, jerking himself back up Huang Tuo then nearly jumped out of his seat as he rished towards his side.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Your majesty don't get up to quickly! "

"I must find her, I need to know if she truly loves me" Ying Kong Shi muttered as he pushed Huang Tuo aside.

Huang Tuo blinked blanky at the hard headed King as he got up to assist Ying Kong Shi, Before they made it towards the door Ka Suo had blocked them as Ying Kong Shi looked up at his brother.

Ka Suo glanced over at Huang Tuo and gave him a nod as Huang Tuo left Ying Kong Shi to him. Holding his brothers arm he then spoke.

"Shi, dui bu qi. I feel like I can't even help you through your toughest times. I wish I can make it all go aeay gor all of us to live happy. Dui bu qi"

Ying Kong Shi shook his head, it was never his brothers fault. Why did he feel like this towards him when he shouldn't?

"Ge, you did nothing wrong. Why are you apologizing to me?"

Ka Suo looked at his brother as he explained.

"You have been cursed by the Cherry Blossom Ancestors Shi, You and Pink Orchid are forbidden to be near each other. The more you get closer towards her, the more you becone weak and you will burn alive. Shi, listen to me. Pink Orchid is doing this to protect you"

Ying Kong Shi didn't care if he was cursed or damned by anything, he would walk towards death just to see his wife and be tortured till the end of time for her.

"Ge, Just look at it like you and Li Luo. There is always a way for you both like there is always a way for me and Pink Orchid. Trust me in this Ge, I need her" Ying Kong Shi was nearly begging,his face was pale as his eyes were filled with his tears.

Letting go of Ying Kong Shi's, Ka Suo stepped on the side and avoided his brother gaze .

"Xie Xie, Ge"

Ying Kong Shi was thankful for his  understanding,  when it comes to love Ka Suo could never forbidden anyone from going there path but he will know for a fact that he will stay right behind his brothers back through every step.

Ying Kong Shi had walked himself out to meet up with the rest for his plan, Yan Da gotten up quickly from his sight as she walked towards his side.

"Ying Kong Shi, why are you up? Huang Tuo check on him!"

Huang Tuo stared confusingly as he gotten up.

"No need" Ying Kong Shi said as Huang Tuo just sat back down dazed.

"For you all to support me, I thank you all. But I have thought it clear, I want to be with Pink Orchid. Let me bring her back myself , I will be fine after she is back in the Kingdom"

Yan Da heaved a sigh as she clenched her fist, she was angry and wanted to hit him until he really dies.

"Ying Kong Shi, you really do want to die? Why cant you just let it be this way? Shes trying to save you amd you're doing this to her to make it even more hard for her? All you really do is think to yourself Ying Kong Shi!" Nearly bursting out in tears, Yan Da ran out .

Luna stared at the Fire Princess as she followed behind her just to check if she was alright.

Ying Kong Shi will never back out to what he says, if its how he dies. Then let him die.

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