Welcome To Rue Xen City

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Not knowing that Pink Orchid was completely out soon after meeting Huang Tuo and Ka Suo, she had started to have strange dreams that occur. Dreams that didn't make any sense to her even the dream itself  was stuck in a loop , all she could see was fire and herself surrounded by the burning flames. The pain was excruciating, she was screaming out to a dark figure , someone who knew had heard her but doesn't want to reach back out to help her . Her heart started to ache, pain had swallowed her whole .The view of the figure started to fade and darkened into the scene, as the familiar voice soon called out but it was to late. Standing in a middle of nowhere, Pink Orchid couldn't move, she saw her lifeless body in a ice tomb right in front of her, sealed and secured away.

Mentally speaking , Pink Orchid gasped as soon as she saw herself her own eyes opened . Without a second her body in front of her quickly screamed about, reaching out for help but she couldn't escape the tomb, the ice just seemed to pull her back in each time she tries to struggle.

Feeling a hot flash, Pink Orchid immediately gotten up drenched in sweat, it's kind of ironic how she felt hot when she is staying under the cold kingdom, but the dream felt so real and was unforgettable.

Putting her feet off the bed, she had dragged herself towards the edge and patted her sweat from her forehead with her sleeve.

"What was the dream all about?" She thought to herself.

Right after getting up, she forced herself to leave the room, maybe if she could speak with either Huang Tuo or Ka Suo that would be fine.

Opening the door, her heart nearly dropped to her feet when she realized that she was standing in front of the man she wanted to be protect.

"Ying Kong Shi"

Ying Kong Shi stood before her as examined her carefully, just to see if she was either foe or ally. Her scent didn't seem to make any sense but it was quite satisfying for Ying Kong Shi, he felt like he knew her for some odd reason and he couldn't tell.

Feeling a bit embarrassed by her appearance and the cold gaze he was sharing, Pink Orchid had immediately turned to look at the other direction so she wouldn't feel any more awkward than it already was.

Her stomach begin to have butterfly's, a unpleasant feeling to have when she was around him. Feeling his blue eyes pierced through her soul he then finally spoke.

"You're awake" He said, his eyes wandered inside the room and then went back to her.

"You have been resting for a couple of days"

"Couple of days?" Raising her eyebrows in confusion, if she was correct did he say couple of days?

" I saw you several days ago and saw you had passed out. So I took you in and called our top healer to examine you"

Her face was flushed, this is really her first impression with Ying Kong Shi. For him to save her when it was really suppose to be the other way around. Closing her eyes from the thought, she just wanted to close the door right on his face and bury herself away forever.

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