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The dusk of sharp cold wind begin to catch up while her fingers twitched in response and awakening Pink Orchid on the spot.

Trying to regain her concious back she had steadily picked herself back on her feet but her legs gave up on her for the moment making her fall against the stone that was resting against the cherry tree.

She was still light-headed and everything was just a fuzz. Did she make it out or was she dreaming?

Managing to get a grip of reality , her eyes suddenly widen at the realization that she was nowhere in the realm, she was just surrounded by the crystal white blanket or snow .

She had really done it, didn't she?

Observeing the snowy haven and the beautiful landscape of the Cherry Blossom Hill a huge smile crept on her face as she squealed to herself in happiness.

"I'm free!"

Jumping up in joy, she had playfully twirled herself around, her pink silk gown followed her move as it spread about giving it a beautiful color in the snow , she had never felt this happy in her life, is this what Ying Kong Shi wanted his brother Ka Suo to feel? To be free and happy just like she is at this moment like she was?

Spreading her arms out and welcoming herself unto the outside world, she had let the snow and Cherry Blossoms fall on her palms as danced with it.

Chuckling to herself she had gotten herself to a stop as she took one last glimpse at the tree that was once her home.

"Home looks even more beautiful in this view" she uttered while looking at each individual cherry blossom branches "I will die happily when Ying Kong Shi gets his wish, Ancestors forgive me"

Walking towards the tree, she slightly placed her palms against the tree and bid it farewell. The feeling was hard and she knew for a fact she would miss home, but what she was determined to he had needed to be done and that was to protect Ying Kong Shi.

Grabbing unto her gown, Pink Orchid had finally turned towards the direction of the Ice Kingdom. Letting her feet lead her all she could picture was Ying Kong Shi awaiting for whatever he was waiting for and that was Pink Orchid his hero.

"Ying Kong Shi, I'm coming."

Arriving at the outskirts of the city, her eyes was scanning the beautiful ice sculped city that was right in front of her.

"How can it be so beautiful, Is this what you are ruling for your brother Ying Kong Shi??"

The clansman was scattering about an doing there daily living and the kids were playfully running around her as they tried to catch one another.

Laughing to herself and admiring how adorable the ice children were, she had thought this might be a great beginning for her. The feeling of the city was welcoming and it was very wonderful.

Stepping further into the city, Pink Orchid did get a few stares, the clansman tried to guess which tribe she had belong to or she was just a wanderer who just seemed to found herself up in this place, whispering along themselves she couldn't help but hear there repeated questions.

"Who is she?" "She is beautiful!" "What clan is she in?" "Why is she here? Is she supposed to be here?"

Before proceeding further into the city, she had felt a bit light-headed and weary.

Stopping herself, she had held until her head while everything started to spin. Her legs started to get wobbly and her focus was going in and out, not even hanging on any longer Pink Orchid soon collapsed on the snow as she fainted in spot.

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