Factbook // Question and Answer

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in which i post the answers to your questions and irrelevant facts about our characters.

Question and Answer:


Q: What do you think about gay rights?

A: fuCK yeah! gay people are beautiful! like i'd go gay for them! y'all who can't accept other people for who they are just because you're insecure about yourselves are cancelled. don't judge based on whatever's hanging on their crotch but instead about their heaaaarts!! hear me yeehaw for change and pride and rights!!!!!!! yeehaw!~


Q: What do you feel about Sachiyo?

A: Well... Um... She's a treasured friend. She's kind and beautiful. Her humor is amazing. And she understands me the best. She is pretty intelligent even if she does pretty stupid things sometimes. She's always driven by emotions and it amazes me everything. Everything she does is charming.


Q: How do you help make THE ship, canon?

A: I do everything man. Like have you seen me? I have bruises all over because someone *looks at Sachi* can't seem to just get in on with someone and instead takes it out on me. I always tease them hoping they'll get some courage to be together and cure cancer or end global warming and Jesus I swear I just pray to whoever's out there that they get together soon because it's getting on my nerves.


▪Cereal before milk
▪Right handed
▪Pegasus over unicorns
▪Loves milk
▪Hates snakes with a passion
▪Ironcially, she took the Pottermore quiz and got into Slytherin (whose symbol is a serpent) and a Black Mamba (a snake) as a patronus
▪Loves to read fantasy books
▪Had a boyfriend who cheated on her, so her parents and herself beat him up
▪Although she denies it, she was affected by the break up and is now traumatized to be rejected
▪Loves Shiba Inus and Huskies with her entire life
▪She was once a member of a rock band where she's the lead vocalist as well as guitarist
▪Dawn over Twilight
▪Loves korean make up and apparell
▪Contrary to the belief that she likes pastel and bright colors, she loves monochrome ones
▪The only reason she wears and painted her room otherwise is because 'what's life without changes?'
▪Winter lover
▪Her favorite holiday is Christmas (although Halloween comes close)
▪Was diagnosed of depression
▪Used to panic so much about all the little things in life
▪Is actually pansexual (she doesn't care if you're a boy or a girl as long as you love each other)

▪Lowkey hot cocoa enthusiast
▪I mean this innocent boy looks like a child every Christmas whenever Sachiyo offers one
▪The 'dad that is under the mom' of the group
▪Lol. Guess who the mom is
▪I swear to God, this kid is so innocent. He fainted when Sachiyo and Rindo brought up his dick size. Don't ask why they were talking about that.
▪Is a huge dork. Joined about 1000000 fandoms although he acts all shy when brought up
▪Lowkey tsundere
▪Is extremely ticklish
▪Tears up when Sachi is crying
▪Worries about Rindo and Sachi's health because the two can't be bothered
▪He's heterosexual
▪Although he's fond of gay people. He thinks they are courageous for being proud of their sexuality and not being ashamed even if it's kinda frowned upon by the society.
▪Respects everyone
▪"Equality is needed for the world to be in peace. Respect will save humanity from perishing." -Tsukasa Eishi 2k17
▪Had a dog once
▪His maid accidentally fed it chocolate so it died
▪He cried for the dog for exactly 1 year, 11 months and 30 days
▪What can you say? He's not the most sociable person. The dog's everything he had.
▪His parents are almost never around. He almost forgot their faces.
▪This boy deserves so much love. Good thing, Sachi is there to give it to him.
▪He sincerely thanks Sachi for that. From the bottom of his kind, kind heart
▪Might not admit it because he's still a man no matter what but he's scared of sexual intercourse not because he's scared of females but because he's scared that he will hurt the female he loves the most.
▪He kind of vowed to himself to only have sex with the woman he loved and it won't happen before marriage.
▪Please protect this child.

▪Unicorns over pegasus
▪Has a thing for aesthetic designs
▪Once thought to be gay during her grade school years but not really
▪Was stuck in a unrequited love with a senpai
▪Thought Akamine was cool during grade school
▪Some speculated that they dated for a while
▪Neither of them said it is true nor false
▪Absolutely sucks at math
▪Used to collect all sorts of weird items
▪Might believed at religious ritual shit once
▪She's mysterious af, no one can give 100% legit statements
▪She cooked testes for a one year old's birthday party... She got kicked out of the party but who cares, the reactions are worth it
▪She's rich enough but she doesn't use her money much
▪Though that depends on your definition of much
▪The costs of her ingredients are probably higher than your whole being
▪Loves to do a lot of things but sucks at it majority of the time
▪Almost lost her arm because she started petting a wild crocodile
▪Again, who the fuck cares? She touched a precious crocodile. She can die happily
▪Is the dog of the group. Because she's not sane enough to be a human
▪Gets bullied 24/7 by her best friend(s)
▪Tries to get Sachi and Eishi to hook up 24/7
▪And gets beat up for it
▪But if its for the sake of the ultimate ship, she can die

Please send in more questions!! More information will be added regularly so please check in often! You can also request for the other characters! Just PM or comment somewhere.

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