18 - When Stars Align

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"Table 5 needs the sea bass! How long until it's ready Saito?" I asked as I looked at the fish over his shoulder

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"Table 5 needs the sea bass! How long until it's ready Saito?" I asked as I looked at the fish over his shoulder.

"Around three minutes." He answered briefly, glancing at the sea bass before turning his head back to the mackerel.

"Alright. Where's Emiko? Emiko! I need the Mesclun and the Perigourdine. Any chance we can make it faster?" I shouted over the noise of people chattering and cursing.

"I'm trying but there's so many orders!" 

It has only fifteen minutes since we opened but the kitchen was in chaos. Everyone was stressed and we're continuously under pressure. It's as if the pile of orders weren't lessening no matter how many times we tried to complete them faster. It came to the pint that honorifics were forgotten and we're just trying to cook every single item. 

"Rindou! Help Kai with the langoustine! Eishi, keep seasoning the octopus!" I kept on shouting orders as I helped cook the Taglioni pasta that Kai-senpai was previously making if not for the presence of ten more orders that the waitress handed us.

"Keep working everybody! Don't slack off now!"

It seemed easy at first. I assigned everyone in specific groups based on their specialties and they will only make dishes of that category. While Rindou, Eishi and I were working on management and all around these categories, the rest were simply focusing on one. For example, Akiyama, Haru-senpai and Rafael-sensei were working on appetizers, Megashima and Goshiken with soups, Saito, Shinji (remember that green haired guy during my exams?) and Kikuchi-senpai with fishes, Akamine, Kai-senpai and Michelle-senpai were on the main courses, Emiko and Hiriko-senpai as well as Natsumi (Shinji's best friend from before) were on the salads and lastly, Shu-senpai, Akanegakubo and Satsuki were on the desserts. There was a lot of bad blood and awkwardness in that specific group but we can barely care about that right now. Mirai-senpai and Mizuki-senpai were separated from the kitchen and was instead manning the bar where they set up the drinks with some presentation and performance in a very feeble attempt to distract customers and give us more time. It was too hectic and crowded that my claustrophobia is starting to kick in.  

"Sachiyo! A customer's looking for the executive chef!" I heard Goshiken call out and I began freaking out. Is there something wrong? Did we overcook? Undercook? Fuck, this is messing my head up.

the life of a yamada sachiyo | eishi tsukasaWhere stories live. Discover now