Kiss on the lips: Love

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It was strange waking up like this, but not bad. In the contrary. Nothing had felt as good in a long time. He felt save and sheltered. Felt the arms and legs wrapped around his body, felt the breath in his neck and the warmth coming from the other body.
Yesterday he felt so cold, just like the other nights before that. That seemed to be forgotten now. Absolutely unimportant. Just that Dec was with him now was significant. At first Ant thought it was a dream, wasn't sure if the touch was only in his imagination. Had scooped closer instinctively and was relieved that Dec was there. Just took him into his arms and didn't let go until now.

He really missed his best friend. Everything about him. But most of all their talks. When one of them didn't feel good, the other one was always there. Helped and looked for a solution. But this time it wasn't like this. This time they were the problem itself although it seemed to be so easy. He felt how Dec struggled for words but they weren't necessary in that moment, even if he knew that they needed to talk at some point. But that could wait until later. Now only the both of them being together again counted.

Carefully he turned around inside the embrace. He wanted to look at Dec, see him when he woke up. Wanted to get lost in those blue eyes instantly. Never let him go today. His eyes wandered over Dec's relaxed face. It felt so good being this close to him. He freed his hand from between their bodies. He just had to touch Dec, had to feel his skin, the slight stubble. He let his fingers glide over his cheek going down to his chin. His fingers went further and finally stroked over Declan's lips.

It was nice to have him here, forget about everything that happened between them the last few days. And with every second they laid here, he hoped that this was it. That they finally made it and no longer walked away from their feelings. He was sure that there were going to be more obstacles even problems. But he knew together they would make it. It has always been like this and it would always be like this.

A slight movement made Ant snap out of his thoughts. He once again focused his eyes on Declan, who seemed to be slowly waking up. He put his fingers back on Dec's cheeks, not seeing a reason why he shouldn't leave them there. Dec didn't let loose on his waist either. Only seconds later the blue eyes blinked at him. Once again he could get lost in them, forget about everything else. Ant this time it wouldn't feel wrong; no one would disturb them.

"Hey." Dec whispered and scooped even closer to him, if that was even possible.
"Hey." Ant whispered back.
"Did you sleep well?" His voice sounding insecure but for Ant nothing could be better.
"I never slept better." His fingers caressing Dec's cheek. They both closed their eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

He didn't know how long they laid there like that, holding and caressing each other. It didn't matter in the end. At some point Ant opened his eyes and looked straight into Dec's. What he saw in them made him gulp. Had Dec always worn his feelings that openly visible. He knew how his friend felt, could identify it from different factors but his feeling for himself, he never saw like this before. Not with that intensity that it almost took his breath away and so he reacted the only way he could.

Carefully, as to not scare Dec, he scooped even closer with his head. Without moving his gaze away, without giving up their closeness, he pressed his lips on his friend's and kissed him softly. Put all his feelings into this first kiss. All the love he felt for his smaller friend.

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