Getting breakfast: True Love

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"How can anyone talk that much in the morning?" He asked, getting nothing more but a mumble from Ant who was desperately looking for his life-elixir. Even for Dec it was far too early, especially after that party yesterday, it was even worse for his boyfriend. And now sitting here after 5 hours of sleep surely wasn't what he wanted.

They had won the NTA for the 14th time in a row, so they didn't see a reason to skip the party and alcohol. He didn't know anymore how much he drank; he was almost surprised that he made it to bed without any accidents or embarrassments.
Now they were sitting here, meeting up with Emma, Chris and Stephen for the first time since their tour. At least Stephen looked just like them, with deep rings underneath his eyes and seemed to be sleeping rather than listening to the others. They didn't seem to have any problems with getting up at this time. Chris and Emma had kept themselves away from alcohol yesterday and surely had no hangover.

The only reason they even sat there together was that they had a SNT meeting today, where the other three would take part as well, since they were already planned as special guests.
In the meantime, Dec pulled himself together that much, that he at least managed to get two cups of coffee. Milk and sugar for him and deep black for Ant. He put them on the table before he got toast and made some sandwiches for them to eat later. Dec knew that Ant wouldn't be able to eat yet. Not after such a night.
He had to grin when he saw the thankful smile on Ant's face, while he still clasped the cup.
While eating his breakfast Dec observed his 'best friend', not realizing that he almost stared noticeably. Even that Stephen seemed to have woken up that much, that he was now watching them with a questioning look, went past him.

While packing in Ant's lunch, Chris already rushed to the car, telling all of them that they were going to be late if they didn't leave right now and that all of this was of course their fault.
"Why did you even have to drink that much?"
Ignoring him, Dec was glad when they finally sat in the car. Ant immediately closed his eyes, his head on Dec's shoulders. How he would love to just kiss him right now. He'd rather wake him up like that again than with a stupid joke but he couldn't.
They had agreed that only their closest friends and family should know about their relationship yet. It wasn't that they didn't trust Stephen, Emma and Chris, they just didn't want to risk anything and on Radio you say things before you speak easier than thought.

Dec was incredibly happy, when they finally had a half an hour break; could retreat to their wardrobe and relax. They were lying on their cosy couch, Ant eating his sandwich, his head resting on Dec's chest. Dec just closed his eyes when Ant kissed him but they were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. He grumbles annoyed when Ant actually gets up to open the door, ready to give the one disturbing our quiet time a mouthful. He was waiting to hear Ant's annoyed voice instead he came back in, Stephen on his foot, who let himself fall into an armchair, grinning, while I scooped over so that Ant could sit beside me.

"What is up?" Dec wonders why Stephen would disturb them. Usually they would just leave each other alone in the few breaks they got.
"I know I'm probably disturbing you."
Oh yes he did. Dec wanted to be with his boyfriend, no matter how much he love to talk to the other presenter.
"I just didn't know when I'll see you alone again the next time. So I thought I'd better ask right now. This morning I just had to think about how I saw you last night. But before I continue talking around everything I just ask. You acted so sweet this morning, so I was wondering if it wasn't just the alcohol that made you kiss?"
Oh fuck. Dec didn't know what to say and a look over to Ant showed him, that his eyes nearly fell out in shock. Shit, so he actually did screw up yesterday, couldn't keep his fingers to himself.

For so long everything went brilliant and then he had to destroy everything in one night. He didn't know what to do now, he was just glad he wasn't alone. Ant acted quickly and tried to limit the damage. Useless, Stephen was too convinced of what he saw. They only question now was wo else saw it?
"No worries, I was the only one who saw you and I sure won't tell anyone."
Dec felt the weight of his world lift from his shoulders. That was gut; No actually that was perfect. He trusted Stephen, so he didn't worry. With that cleared he couldn't resist pulling Ant over and kissing him. After this excitement he just needed to have him close. With him leaning on me, Dec felt ready for all of Stephen's questions. He could see that he was dying to ask.
"Nearly two months now."
"I love him more than words can say" Ant added, making Dec smile.

The rest of the break they spent with him. They didn't have to pretend in front of him anymore any way.
"I'm wondering if the other two will notice too."
Dec had to laugh. He doubted that. Although they always joked about them being like an old married couple, they didn't have any clue of how close to the truth they actually were.

They had just finished their meeting and were finally on their way to the hotel. Dec was quite tired but he enjoyed sitting here with the others and talk about all and nothing.
Suddenly Emma was beaming. What was up now?
"Naaw, look how cute these two are. That must be true love."
What Dec saw then, only made him choke on his beer. That definitely wasn't cute and no way true love. Emma was talking about a couple who seemed to be representing every gay stereotype imaginable. From hair styling, golden necklace, V-neck shirt showing his chest hair to pants that are so tight that they surely couldn't fit. Even their moves were like living the cliché.

As soon as he got his breath back, he said just that.
"That is never true love. That is attention-seeking without limits. That is living the cliché."
Chris seemed to think the same as Emma.
"Just because it's not your style of living. Let them be. It is damn courageous to show their relationship like that."
Dec could just shake his head, glad that at least Ant and Stephen seemed to agree.

"No, it is not." My boyfriend said just then. "And true love it isn't either. True love doesn't need open representation. True love is..." He looked around "True love is that over there for example." He nodded in direction of an older couple.
"Have you seen how he brought her breakfast without needing to even ask her. They don't need to display themselves, you can see the gratefulness and love in her eyes. That is cute."
Dec had to agree with him, even though he found it hard not to laugh out loud when his gaze landed on Stephen, who reminded him that Ant just described their own situation this morning. It made him feel light-hearted to know, that this was, what Ant saw as perfect. That, what made our relationship special. The intimacy and never-ending trust. The others were by now watching the older couple while Dec only had eyes for Ant.

"That's just another form of love." Emma explained now. "A totally different time. Believe me, you won't find anything like this anymore. I can feel the vibrations between the other two coming from there to here. I can feel it when someone's in love."
Her and Chris were looking at Stephen strangely when he couldn't suppress a giggle anymore. Oh yes she had the intuition for stuff like that.

How good, that Ant and I aren't just in love, otherwise she might have noticed. We were so much more. Best friends, two halves of a whole, soul mates.

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