Chapter 9 - Girl Talk

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       When I went back to the ballroom after Will gave me the necklace, because I know people would start looking for me if I am gone for too long.

       I came looking for Zach and found him chatting to this girl that I didn’t know. “Zach,” I called.

       “Oh hey, Rose. Where were you?” He asked. I didn’t want to tell him. “I, uh, I went to the bathroom,” I lied. But Zach is not stupid, he didn’t believe me, although he said nothing about it.

       I didn’t actually think that I would get along with Zach quite well the first time I met him. But it turns out, he’s actually kind of nice. I mean, we’re having much fun today. He even asked me to dance with him. But I couldn’t get my mind off Will.

       I couldn’t believe he actually spend all his savings just to buy me this heart necklace. My hand automatically hold the heart pendant. Zach noticed, and say, “I didn’t know you were wearing that,”

       I considered about lying to him about it, but he wouldn’t fall for it. I knew. So I just say the truth. “Someone gave it to me, just now,” I answered. He looked at the heart pendant for a second, and then raised his eyebrows.

       “Really? Who?” Zach asked. Why does he care so much about this necklace?

       “A friend,” I simply answer.

       “You know I could give you a way better necklace than that,”

       “Yeah I know,”

       And he didn’t say anything else.

       Later that night, after the ball is finally finished, we were all very exhausted. But I couldn’t stop smiling.

       “What is with you today, Rose?” Tessa asked, obviously realized that I was so happy today for no reason. She’s already sitting on her bed, with her bedcovers covering her comfortably.

       Phyllis, who’s changing her clothes to her pajamas, suddenly say “Didn’t you see her and Zach slow dancing together? They seemed to be having so much fun tonight,” She said, with a teasing tone.

       I rolled my eyes. I just want to let them think that it was all because of Zach, although, that’s not completely true. My hand played with the heart pendant on my necklace.

       Tessa noticed, and say, “I didn’t know you had that,”

       “Someone gave it to me tonight,” I answered, smiling. I can go back to that moment all over again and again and again. It was so perfect.

       “Zach gave it to her,” Phyllis teased me.

       I rolled my eyes. “Shut up, Phyllis,”

       Tessa raised her eyebrows. I sighed. “It wasn’t Zach,” I said. Because as much as I didn’t want them to know about my friendship with Will, I can’t say that this is from Zach. It’s too precious. I can’t lie about it.

       Tess looked over to Phyllis. She shrugged. I just ignore them and take one of my books to read. And I fell asleep.

       The next day, we didn’t really have anything to do, so all of us just spend the day hanging out in the living room, and chatting with each other.

       “Servant,” Phyllis called. Will happens to be walking by. He approach Phyllis. “Yes, your highness?”

       “Can you bring us some hot chocolate?”

       “Yes, absolutely,” Will nodded.

We locked eyes for a second or two before he left. I watch him walk away to the direction of the kitchen. Suddenly the moments of last night came back to me all over again. His hands are warm wrapped around my feet. And the way his hands brushed on my shoulder when he’s putting on the necklace. I’ve been wearing the necklace ever since. I don’t want to put it off.

       “It’s so boring today. Are you sure we didn’t have any plans today?” Daphne asked, turning to Adele. Adele is usually the most organized one. Well, what can I say, she is the oldest. Adele shook her head. “No, pretty sure of it,”

       “Are you sure you don’t have one?” Phyllis suddenly ask me.


       “You know, a plan with your prince charming aka Zach,” She teased me. Not this again.

       “No,” I answered quickly, because it’s true. We haven’t talked since last night. I don’t know where he’s been. Maybe he’s riding his horse to the forest. I know that he loves it.

       A second later, Will appeared with a tray of six cups of hot chocolate on his hand. He knelt down to put the cups on the table.

       “Are you sure? I think Zach is so after you,” Phyllis said.

       “You two would make a great couple, by the way,” Daphne added. I just stare at the two of them. They’re nuts, that’s what they are. But I didn’t say anything.

       Will went away after he put all the cups down.

              “You know, I’ve talked to Zach, and I have to say he’s so flirty,” Tessa said. I raised my eyebrows.

“Is he?” Daphne smirks.

“Yeah, not my type,” Tessa said, shrugging.

Honestly, Zach isn’t my type either. But he just seemed so nice. Maybe types don’t really matter.

       “Adele, when are you taking the throne?” I asked, changing the subject. Adele take a sip of the hot chocolate and answer, “I think mom and dad are planning on doing it tomorrow,”

       “Well, don’t you have some… I don’t know… practicing, or something to do? You know, to prepare for tomorrow?” Daphne asked.

       “Actually, yes I have. But it’s not until five,” She answered.

       I can’t believe Adele is about to take the throne. How time flies by. I can still remember the time she was only eight, and she would teach me how to ride a bike. We would run around the palace garden with our pink bikes, along with Daphne, Tessa, and Phyllis. Collins isn’t born yet.

       I know I’ve said this before, but I’m sure she’s going to be a great queen. Usually, women have to be married before they can take the throne. But it’s different here. I wonder, though, if Adele is secretly into someone. I remembered seeing her dance with this guy last night at the ball. I think I’ve seen him around before. He must’ve been from another kingdom.

       It’s weird though, the fact that I’m the second youngest yet I’m the one dating someone. Well, technically I’m not dating Zach. But everyone seemed to think so.

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