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It's weird when Richie shows up at Eddie's door. He just expected Richie to lay on the horn until Eddie's little legs are running out of the house to get him to shut the fuck up. He knocks at the door too, not just barging in and making crude comments to Eddie's mom. No, he's knocking which makes Eddie really worried when he flings the door opened, his mom asleep in her chair.

"What are you doing?" He asks, eyeing Richie up and down. He's wearing his ripped blue jeans with a white shirt -a clean one- and a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt, underneath his signature denim jacket that has miscellaneous patches and pins. His hair is curly but also extra shiny as if Richie put product in it or it's just greasy. Did he try to style it? Or did he just forget to shower...again? Eddie shakes his head and instead looks at the giant eyes behind the glasses that are staring at him.

"Picking you up, duh Eds." Richie bounces on his feet, looking Eddie up and down. The smaller boy feels self-conscious in his old jeans and red polo shirt with his fanny pack wrapped around his waist. He fiddles with it, embarrassed for some reason. Richie reaches out towards Eddie and slips their hands together. He pauses for a second, waiting for something from Eddie but nothing comes.

"Okay then, let's go." He says, rushing to the car and opening the passenger door. He steps back and smiles at Eddie who is blushing. He doesn't comment as he gets in Richie's car. He's nervous for the drive, hopefully it's not as bad as when Richie took him home after school. They hit a trash can.

Richie shrugs oddly as he sits in the driver seat. He runs his hand through his hair and smiles at Eddie as he starts the car. The Smiths blare through the radio, so loud that the car is vibrating. Eddie hopes it doesn't vibrate into a million pieces.

The ride takes no less than five minutes. It's terrifying but Eddie's legs don't shake when he steps out of the car this time. Richie is by his side and walking very closely as they make their way across the parking lot. Eddie swears he smells cologne but he thinks it's a trick of his nose.

"Let me, Miss." Richie steps in front of Eddie and whips open the diner door for him. Eddie raises an eyebrow and walks through the door.

"Thanks." Eddie smiles, leading them to their booth that's in the back. It's a corner booth that fits all seven losers but Richie likes it because he feels like The Godfather when he spreads his arms out and leans back. Richie throws himself into the booth and Eddie giggles as he pulls out a wet wipe to clean off the seat and table before sitting down.

"You wanna share the onion rings or the house chips?" Richie asks, he's holding the menu right up to his eyes which are twinkling at Eddie.

"Sure." Eddie says, his palms are sweaty. He's trying to act normal, just like their normal friendship but this is more. He isn't sure how to act. Does he need to act different?

"Sweet," Richie holds the menu up high to cover his face. Eddie places his hands in his lap and looks down at the table, feeling weird.

"If you use some of my hand sanitizer than we can share." Eddie smiles. Richie flips down the menu, blowing a wave of cologne at Eddie and sticks out his hands. Eddie grabs it from his fanny pack and squirts some into Richie's hands.

"I wonder what happens if you get hand sanitizer on your dick." Richie thinks out loud and runs his hands together.

"Please don't." Eddie sighs, he doesn't need to be reminded of his broken factor. Not now anyways.

"I'm just saying!" Richie yells. The waitress comes over. "Would it work as lube or would it just burn-"

"Richie!" Eddie hisses through his teeth. His face beat red as he looks at the waitress. She looks bored.

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