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Ben and Eddie watch as the teachers hang up a new sign in the cafeteria. Senior and Junior Prom '92. Eddie wonders if he should ask Richie, if Richie would even wanna go. He did 'call Eddie' as his date freshman year. Now it is two years later and they are dating, they'll go together.

"How should I ask Bev?" Ben asks him.

"Write her a poem." Eddie shrugs, he already knows how he's going to asks Richie. He doesn't hesitate as he bids Ben goodbye and goes to his next class. Richie is waiting for him in the back of history, his feet resting on the edge of Eddie's seat. The smaller boy sits down and eyes at Richie's jean jacket that is hanging off the back of boy's chair.

Eddie's plan is lame but he is going to write PROM? on Richie's cigarette packet so when the taller boy goes to get one after school he'll see it. They're going together. Eddie decides, no matter if they hate school or if people will judge and comment things about them. Eddie's been held back enough in his life, from his mother, from his asthma, from his germaphobia and from his asexual life. So, they're going to prom. Of course, Richie seems to have the same thought in his mind.

"Wanna go to prom, babe?" Richie ruins it. Eddie wants to be the one to ask, so he plays it off.

"I'm not sure, let me think about it." He says and Richie looks slightly disappointed. Eddie knows later he'll be excited when he sees his packet. Now if only Eddie can get out those nasty cigarettes.

Thankfully, Eddie gets the perfect chance when Richie goes to the bathroom in the middle of class. He leaves behind the jacket and as soon as his lanky body is out of the room Eddie dives into the pocket. He grabs the packet quickly, ignoring the look from another student who is watching him curiously. Eddie takes out a marker from his backpack and writes the word on the carton before shoving it back into the pocket.

Now he just needs to wait for school to be over.

Of course, Richie pouts the rest of the school day. Eddie knows it's because he didn't jump and say yes to prom when he asked him. Eddie let's him soak in his own pity, he'll be embarrassed later. Ben also already asked Bev and Mike is planning to ask a girl named Ashley from his Spanish class. No one mentions Richie and Eddie going together.

"So, wanna come over to my place?" Eddie bounces on his feet with excitement as they step out of school.

"No, thanks. I gonna go home and do homework." Richie lies, hands deep in his jacket pocket. He doesn't take out his pack. Now Eddie's annoyed. Richie is really that childish he's going to go home and sit in his own sadness because Eddie said he would think about going to prom. God forbid he wants to ask his boyfriend. Eddie sighs.

"Are you sure? You can smoke out my window." Eddie nudges his arm, trying to get Richie to take out his pack.

"No, thanks babe." Richie says sadly. Eddie rolls his eyes.

"Stop pouting, Richie." Eddie stomps his foot out once they arrive at Richie's car. They stand near the trunk, Richie looks down at him with a frown.

"I'm not pouting, the fuck-"

"You are so pouting." Eddie sighs. "Just smoke a cigarette and shut the fuck up." He crosses his arms over his chest. The April weather is still chilly out and his thin jacket isn't keeping him too warm.

"Fine." Richie growls, he takes his hand out of his pocket with his pack. He stares at Eddie as he pops it open and sticks the death object into his mouth. "Happy?" He mumbles out around it, going to shove the pack into his pocket.

"No, asshole." Eddie leans forward, grabbing Richie's hand and moving it so the pack is in front of his face. The question staring back at him off the white packet.

"Oh," Richie says. He smiles behind the stick and shoves his packet into his pocket.

"So, what do you say? Prom?" Eddie runs his hand on Richie's arm. He hopes no one is watching –actually fuck them.

"Guess I should tell your mom I can't go with her anymore." Richie winks. He looks both ways, seeing only a few students before he leans down and kisses Eddie's forehead.

"God, you're a stubborn fucker." Eddie tells him. "Now take me home so we can make out."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Richie shouts while using a voice, they get into the car. Eddie says a tiny prayer that they don't die with Richie driving.

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