Why I think something like this might happen in MCU?

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The real fic is on the second part

I've watched Thor Ragnarök twice. First on October 27 and later. I wanted to write this sooner but midterms came crushing down. So I might be remembering the dialoges wrong. Bear with me please. Even before watching the movie, I've had this theory and I still do. This is what I think will happen after Ragnarök and before Avengers Infinity War.

Hela is Lady Death of MCU, the one that Thanos has crush on and the reason why he wants to kill everyone.

Why I think this?

We didn't see Hela much in Ragnarök and we see someone who resembles Lady Death just 2 movies before the ultimate movie, Avengers Infinity War. If you watched the movie, you would notice how strong she is. She survived the biggest lightning bolt in the history of lighting bolts, broke Mjölnir like a piece of glass, stabbed a couple times and she was hella fine (get it ;). And she teleported to Norway from Hel when Odin died and also she revived dead soldiers and Fenris with eternal flame. Eternal flame doesn't distinguish ever. At the end we didn't see her death. We saw Surtur, who btw got attacked by Hulk and had a crack on his crown after Hulk-smash, swinging toward Hela into Asgard's core but we didn't actually see her die. They showed Hela for a second then Surtur doing his thing.

1. She teleported in last second before the sword came to her. There is a light just before sword hits where she stood but after the hit there is no sign of a body. Watch that scene 0.25 speed on youtube. You'll see.

2. She is Goddess of Death. Can you even kill Death?

3. the crack on Surtur's crown weakened him and Hela didn't die.

4. Eternal Flame is still on Asgard, well it's in Asgard's ruins and Hela is there too. She can be resurrected.

If you want further proof, write Thanos and Hela unworthy Thor to google and look at the pictures you will see. Now after a long intro, here is the story.

Place and date


Lastly INFINITY WAR TRAILER! I don't know how many times I watched it but I know memorized every single dialoge. I will watch it again! The trailer gave me the energy to finish this.

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