The End is Near

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Hello there! I will try to finish this as much as I can before the Avengers Infinity War. I decided that this won't be just a HELANOS fic. This will be a fic that is about what might happen in Infinity War and how it might end. So I won't check the grammar and all so much. Here are some notes:


· I stopped watching TV spots and trailers so I can have full expreince in cinema so dialogues might differ from the actual footage.

· Romance won't be the main theme but I will mention other ships that are canon like Pepperony or the ones I want them to be canon like Romanogers

· I will be seeing the movie in exactly 3 days and 16 hours (as I'm writing this sentence). I can't believe that the waiting is almost over.

Locations Dates

Thoughts and emphasis


Asgardian Ship


"Why do I have a feeling that this is your doing, brother?" Thor asked Loki as he observed the ship in front of them. Thor turn to look at Loki and he saw him gulping like he saw his worst fear. He didn't see this much fear in Loki's eyes when they were facing Hela.

Loki blinked a few times and whispered as calmly as possible. "Go and alert Hulk and Valkyrie. I will engage the defenses." Loki turned to leave but Thor stopped him by grabbing his forearm.

"Loki what did you do?" Thor thought this was another Loki's little prank-gone-wrong.

Loki shook off Thor's hand then started walking. "He is here." Thor ran to Loki's side and walked at the same pace as him. Before Thor could ask who, Loki answered for him. "Remember what our father said about there is another being behind the attack against Earth? The Mad Titan who gave me The Scepter is the one on the ship." Loki stopped at the place where they would need to separate their ways. "The Other told me that there wouldn't be a place where I can't hide from Thanos if I didn't bring him The Tesseract. He came to collect me and..."

Loki trailed of but Thor understood what he meant. He got angry that Loki would bring The Tesseract and not mention it to him. "I've thought..."
Loki cut him off. "We don't have much time. I will engage the defenses then open a portal to Earth with The Stone for our people."

Loki may not admit that he cares but Thor knew it. He nodded and hugged Loki as if it was the last time he could hug him. "Take care brother and don't die."

Loki hugged him back. He may not know what Thor was feeling but he felt the same way. Something catastrophic was going to happen and it didn't have anything to do with him this time. They ended the hug quickly and ran to their ways. As Loki reaches his destination, he realized he was too late since the alarm of the ship went of on itself and the ship shook as if it took a huge hit. He was too late to engage outside the defenses so he went straight into his room to grab The Tesseract. "HEIMDALL!" He yelled in the empty room knowing that Heimdall would hear him and he did. Heimdall let Loki see through his eyes so that they could communicate. "Heimdall get everyone into a safe place. I will open a portal to Earth for them. Guide me where to find you." Heimdall nodded and did what Loki asked him to. This was not a time for discussion.

Thor went to the main compartment to find Hulk and Valkyrie, thinking that they were sparring there. Before he reached the main compartment, the alarm went off and the ship took a hit. He reached the Odin Force and destroyed every door until his destination. He was right. Hulk and Valkyrie were there but they weren't alone. They had had Asgardian audiences before the ship took a hit. Now there were hurt Asgardians, some of them were on the floor probably dead, some were trying to get up, some were running. Thor got out of Odin Force to not hurt his people. The blast couldn't made this much damage. He was focused on his people so much that he noticed the fight after hearing Valkyrie saying his name. He looked up angrily. They just survived Hela but now they are dealing with death again. Nothing would prepare what he saw then. Valkyrie was fighting against two people, one male and one female, who had spears of their own and Hulk was fighting against something that was way larger than himself. But this wasn't the scene that shocked him. He saw his sister, Hela, alive and kicking on the platform where his made up throne was on. She held two guards by neck and created a pair of spears from her hands, impaling both guards on their heads with a smile on her face. How is this possible? Thor thought. He noticed what's behind her, the window which they watched Asgard's demise was broken and there was a platform from the other ship. Thor ran toward Hela since both Hulk and Valkyrie seemed to hold themselves against their opponents and he knew there were other fighter like Korg and Miek who could help them but no one on the ship could fight Hela alone other than him. He still did not use the Odin Force until there was clearing so he wouldn't hurt anymore Asgardians. He quickly glanced the platform to see if there were others coming and to push Hela there so he can find without hurting his people. He didn't see anyone coming and thus, just a second before reaching Hela he got into Odin Force and shot a lighting to her which caused her to fall back into the other ship.

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