Rest In Peace Stan Lee

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I just wanted to say RIP Stan Lee

I've been in love with Marvel as long as I can remember. Spiderman (1994 animation) is one of the first cartoons I've ever watched. In 2002, I've watched Spiderman movie and I loved that. Then X-men too and later Fantastic Four. I was around 8-9 when I watched FF. While I was watching it, I've noticed a man who was also in Spiderman and X-men. I'm not from US not my siblings are comic-book fan. I didn't know that man was Stan Lee, the creator of those characters. Years later, MCU began. I thought he would have a steady role rather than cameos but he didn't. Honestly finding his cameos are awesome in movies. I will get emotional when I see his last cameos in Captain Marvel, Avengers 4, Spiderman, Dark Phoenix and New Mutants. I'm not sure about the last two though but I hope he has cameo in it. But I'm sure that I will cry when I see "In the memory of Stan Lee"
I remember reading an interview of his saying that he wants to see all marvel characters in same company, in same home, like Spiderman since 2016. I'm sad that he didn't get to see that day.

I can't thank him enough for creating my favorite characters, for bringing me joy since I was a toddler, for expanding my imagination and giving me a Marvel obsession. Rest In Peace Stan "The Man" Lee

He may have passed away physically but as long as there are Marvel movies, cartoons, games, comics; as long as his creations, Marvel, will exist, he will exist in our hearts.

My only consolation is that knowing he is with his wife right now

Rest In Peace Stan Lee. May your memories never fade away

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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