Chapter One - The Week Is All Bidness

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It was Monday, again. I woke up with the feeling hanging over me like a ghoul darkening my bedroom. I didn't want to be on this stupid show but today was the day for us. I didn't even bother or change my clothes before I climbed in the car in a pair of sweatpants, no make-up, a tank top, and pulled up hair. I had gotten my hair treated and flat-ironed it. It was blue now. I was the member of the band who dyed their hair weird colors, unless Christian's black or Holden's blue counted. Though, I'd convinced them to or made them get the color.

"You look like hell." Christian said as I slid in the seat of the car and Holden slid in next to me.

"Thanks." I said smiling smugly. "You sure know how to make a woman feel good."

"That's me." he said smiling and tugging on the end of my ponytail. "Real charmer."

He raised an eyebrow then yawned. I could tell he was tired too. I looked at the time. It was three a.m. and we were going to be on a flight in two hours. Holden had a pillow and a blanket in his hands. He was resting on my shoulder and I figured that he might as well sleep because I was going to sleep too. The longer I was asleep, the longer I could forget about the ninth layer of hell that I was about to be offered to as human sacrifice.


Holden and I were now laying on the floor sleeping in the middle of an airport because our flight had been delayed. I had my head on his pillow and he was laying behind me with his larger frame practically engulfing mine. It was noisy and there was flashing because there were people there to see us. I sighed because I knew the guilt would get to me and I would stop trying to sleep so they could get pictures with me even though, I looked a mess. I felt a poke on my face.

"Umm, Alisha?" A small girl was standing on her wobbly legs walking over to me.

She only looked about four and could barely stand up. She was holding a phone in her hand and I could see her sister standing talking to Zoda trying to let her get the small girl. A smile crawled across my face. Her messy blonde curls were hanging in her face and she was obviously shy or scared. Probably of Holden. She held out the phone to me.

"Picture?" she asked in her small voice.

"Annabella! She's sleeping. Stop it." I heard her sister say.

Annabella looked up at her and then looked away at the ground. Then, she looked back at me and frowned. I smiled at her and took the phone from her because as much as I loved sleep, I couldn't manage to sleep while this adorable little girl wanted such a small favour from me. I sat up and held my arms up and she jumped into them laughing. I held the phone up and she smiled as we took a few selfies.

"Tell your sister to come over here." I said handing her the phone.

She waddled over to her sister nearly falling and I rushed behind her holding her hands and helping her walk. Zoda gave me a disapproving look and I ignored her. What kind of human being wouldn't let me helped a child? Rules or no rules.

"I'm really sorry." the girl said as her eyes began to tear up. "She just really wanted to meet you. I wanted to meet you. Our mom, she has cancer and you're like an inspiration to be strong."

She sobbed as she held up a picture on her phone of a woman who looked just like her hooked up to chemotherapy and she picked her little sister up and I began crying too. I knew how she felt and I couldn't just stand there. She was me. Taking care of friends or in this case, her little sister and not being able to afford cancer therapy. Before I knew it we were both sobbing. It was the first time that I had let myself really cry since she had died. My mum and I knew I missed her but this was insane. It was like looking in the mirror. Never mind the fact that she had straight hair and she was pretty and I was entirely sure that I wasn't but she was me and I could relate on an unbelievable level to her and who she was. I was sitting here crying over seeing my ex-boyfriend again while there were people out there like me. Like the person I was before. I could be helping them be happy despite of their situations and all of a sudden, I felt like a tidal wave of guilt and calm swept over me. I didn't feel like I had anything to be afraid of. It was the feeling from laying on the beach that day that felt like a million years ago. It was relaxation and not having to worry about anything. It was being with Alexis when we first moved into our own place. It was feeling like I had finally been finished with something. I was finished with worrying for now. What was the point?

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