How Long? Pt. 3- Andy Fowler/Brooklyn Gibson

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-Andy's POV-

"You guys we have an issue..." I tell the lads. 


"I'm not the one that Leah slept with that night. I slept with Rayella....But I woke up next to Leah..." I say.

"Then who the hell did she sleep with? And who the fuck is the father of her baby if it's not you?" Mikey asks. I begin to sniffle at thought even though she isn't mine anymore. 

"Brooklyn and Leah slept together that night. I don't know how I even got into the bed with her." I say. 

"Then we will leave now. I'll call Blair and say its an emergency. The tour has to be cancelled." I say. 

"Right, come on then." Rye says. 

We grab our bags and take a taxi to the nearest airport. Once we arrive we get the soonest plane tickets back to London. 

"Leah is going to freak out you guys." Mikey says.

"She might take it better than Brook over there. He looks like he's just seen a thousand ghosts." Rye says.

-Leah's POV-

So after Kevin told me Andy isn't the one I slept with I begin freaking out. 

"I didn't sleep with some random stranger did I? You seem to know much more than I do. So please help me out here Kev." I say. 

"Uh, well uhm Andy and I didn't tell you who you slept with because we didn't know you'd end up pregnant, now we have to tell you. It was Brook. You slept with...Uh...Brooklyn." He says. 

My eyes widen. "I fucked Brooklyn? I am pregnant with my best friends baby? My engaged best friend is the father of my unborn child?" I ask tears threatening to form by now. 

"Yeah...You did and yeah you are." He says looking at the floor.

"Brooklyn is fucking engaged and I am pregnant with his kid. This will fun explaining to my family, his family, his fiance, her family and lets not forget the fans." I say pacing through the house.

"It's going to be alright. You know you have options sis." Kevin says. 

"I don't know what you are trying to say, but if it's what I think it is you will be smacked for that. I will keep this child, single or not. This is my baby, and I laid down to make it, so I will spend my life taking care of it." I say. 

"I didn't mean it like that." He says. I nod. 

"I have to pee. I will meet you in the living room." I say walking to the bathroom. I do my business then walk out of the bathroom. The front door swings open and five rowdy boys come running inside. 

"Leah!" Brooklyn yells wrapping me into a warm tight embrace. 

"Hey Brookie." I say. He pulls away and I hug the others. 

"We need to talk Leah." Brook says. I sigh. 

"I know the baby is yours Brook. Kevin told me everything." I say. 

"It makes sense, but then again it doesn't because I don't remember even going to that party honestly." Brooklyn says.

"Well I guess both of us were to drunk to remember then. Cause I remember going with you, having a couple drinks then dancing with Andy and Mikey. After that I don't remember shit." I say.

"I barely remember anything, but now what are we going to do?" Brooklyn asks.

"Come clean to everyone then have this baby. You can decide what you want to do but I already know what I'm doing." I say. He sighs and hugs me tightly again. 

"We are raising this child together. We can co-parent, I won't give up my child for the world. Although it should of been Delaney who I have kids with this works. If I lose my engagement that's okay because at this point the baby is more important." He says into my ear. 

"You're amazing Brookie." I smile. He kisses my cheek. 

"As are you." He says back. 

-2 weeks later- 

"Good morning Ms. Dreelan, good morning Mr. Gibson. I am going to be your OBGYN. My name is Dr. Dolan. This young man is my twin brother Nurse Dolan. Do you know how far along pregnant you are?" 

"I don't actually, I just know my last period was 3 almost 4 months ago." I say. 

"Okay, Is this guy the father?" 

"Yes." We say together.

"How long have you been together?" 

"Uh, we are just friends." Brook smiles. 

"My apologies." He says writing some things down. 

"Alright so Gray we are going to send her to the Ultrasound room." Dr. Dolan says. 


"Alright Ms. Dreelan we will have you go to the ultrasound room to see the baby and see how far along you are." Dr. Dolan says. I smile as Brooklyn thanks the Doctor and Nurse Dolan.

Nurse Dolan walks us to the ultrasound room where a I meet my midwife. She happens to be Dr. Dolan and Nurse Dolan's older sister. I just call her Cammy. Her name is Cameron.

I like her though. She puts the warm gel on my stomach then puts the wand on it moving it around. 

Brooklyn and I look up at the screen. 

"First pregnancy?" She asks. 

"Yeah." I say. 

"Awesome, Mr. Gibson do you have twins that run in your family?" 

"Not that I know of."

"Do you Miss Dreelan?" 

"Don't believe so." 

"Weird. Well uhm Mr. Gibson, Ms. Dreelan, you are having twins." Cammy says.

"Twins as in 2 babies?" Brook asks. I chuckle. 

"Yes." She says. 

"You're roughly about 13-14 weeks. So come back in about a month and you can find out the gender." She says printing pictures of the babies. She hands them to us and Brooklyn is over the top excited. 

We walk out through the waiting room and Brooklyn is jumping around excited screaming. 

"I'm a daddy!! I'm having twins!" He yells around. 

"Brook stop." I laugh. We reach the car and he gets us home really quickly. 

When we get home his fiance is waiting there. She doesn't look happy.  

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