My Little-Andy Fowler PT. 1

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*Content Warning*

Strong Language

-Mila's POV-

"Hey babe. You gotta get over to the boy's flat." My boyfriend Adrian says. I nod and climb out of our shared bed. Adrian and I have been together for about 5 years now, and it's been a rough time. 

Of course we will have a rough patch here and there, but recently within the past 6 months things haven't been the greatest. I recently told Adrian about my kinks that I have, but he doesn't understand them.

He thinks I am a freak, and he only likes vanilla, sweet shit. The whole rough, Mommy Domme thing just isn't him, and I never really thought about that within our years. I should have known he isn't into that shit.

But not only is it the whole kinks thing, Adrian has been pressuring me to stay a night or two with my friends, who are a group of 6 rowdy boys. The signs of Adrian cheating is constantly there, but I ignore them, because I love him, and I know he loves me. He's just making a mistake.

"I'm leaving now. I will see you later." I say to Adrian. "I love you." 

He keeps his eyes locked on his phone. "Yeah you too babe." He replies in an annoyed tone.

I feel some kind of anger but I leave it, and begin driving over to my friends shared flat. Today is my best friend Mikey and I's friendaversary., and I have gotten him something that he will love so much.

I finally arrive to my best friends flat, after like 30 minutes. I park the car, then rush up the door. I knock expecting one of the boys to answer. Instead it was a chick wearing Mikey's shirt that I bought him last year. 

"The lads here?" I ask. She nods letting me through the door. The smell of alcohol and vomit is quite strong. I step into the Rarvey room where Rye is passed out on the floor, and Harvey is passed out next to the toilet. I chuckle then move to the Jacklyn room finding Jack passed out with a trash bag covering his bottom half. 

Brooklyn is draped over the side of the bunk rail drool running out of his mouth onto Jacks trash bag pants. I laugh quietly, but push Brook onto the bed where he's not losing too much air. I step out making my way to the Mindy room. Andy and Mikey are cuddling in Mikey's bed vomit covering them both. 

I gag at the smell, but grab some cleaning supplies. I clean the living room, then the rest of the flat. The girl that was here fled already. I manage to bathe Andy and Mikey successfully without them waking up. I moved Andy to his bed after getting some fresh clean clothes on him. I also did the same with all the others. 

I make breakfast for everyone, knowing they got trashed last night because they had gym today. I give each person a glass of orange juice, a cup of tea&coffee, with some Advil for their headaches. I wake Rye and Harvey up first. They thank me, and enjoy their breakfast. 

I make my way to the Jacklyn room where Brook's face is red as a strawberry, and he is sweating profusely. I touch his forehead and sigh as he is very hot to the touch. I wake Jack up telling him he and Brook has breakfast. I rush to the bathroom to grab some medicine for Brook. 

I go back in there waking Brook up to care for him. He takes the medicine then lies back down to rest. I now make my way to the Mindy room where Andy lies awake clutching his stomach. 

"Andy love you alright?" I ask gently. He shakes his head now. I grab a bin and set it next to Andy's bed, ushering him to just rest for the day. Rye and Harvey come to the kitchen to put their plates in the sink. I make my way over to Mikey, and shake him awake.

"Mikey, love breakfast is ready." I say grabbing the tray, and setting it on his lap. He thanks me and begins eating.

"Hey where's Brooklyn? And Sophia?" Rye asks.

"Brook is in bed sick, like Andy and Sophia is the girl that was here I assume, if so she already left." I reply. 

"Ahh, she had to go meet some Adrian guy downtown." Rye replies. My heart sinks.

"Oh. Adrian who do you know?" I ask.

"Morgan I believe?" He replies. My heart breaks. Mikey looks at me with concern. 

"Is that y-" He begins.

"Yes. That would be him." I say standing up quickly.

"I need to go." I say before exiting the flat. I begin driving to my house. I reach the door, and slowly slip into the apartment wishing I hadn't. Moans are filling the apartment, screaming Daddy, and cum for me babygirl. 

Tears rush down my face as I step into my bedroom, where Adrian is not. They must be in the living room or shower.

I then pack my bags, because Adrian is no longer my boyfriend. I walk out of the flat slamming the door. 

"Mila, please don't leave. I really love you, I just we aren't working anymore." I hear Adrian's voice. I keep my back to him so that he can't see how hurt I am right now. I swallow my spit and sniffle. 

"5 years of this down the drain. I will forever have damage because of you." I reply walking out of the building, never to be bothered by seeing it again. 

I place my things in my car, then drive over to Mikey's. I step out of my car, making my way up to the top floor where my friends sit behind a door. 2 of them are sick, and the others are patiently waiting hungover, in suspense as to where I have gone to. 

I step inside the flat, and slip towards the living room. 

"Daddy, I don't feel so good." I hear Brooklyn whimper making his way over to Mikey. He climbs into Mikey's lap which baffles me. I knew these guys were into it, but I didn't know Mikey was too. 

"Oh baby boy." Mikey replies kissing Brooklyn's forehead. 

"You look shook up. Is everything okay?" Rye asks me. I smile at him.

"I'm okay. It's all good." I say my voice cracking, showing I'm lying. Mikey's eyes advert to me. 

"Sit down and talk now." He sternly says. I sigh but do as told, because Mikey is bossy, maybe him being a Dom suits him. 

"Adrian was fucking some whore. I ended it with him. And it hurts. It hurts so much. 5 years Mike. 5 Fucking Years!" I cry out. 

"I know babe." Mikey replies while rocking Brooklyn to sleep. Soon Andy crawls into my lap, his eyes looking at me with hope.

"What are you doing Andy?" I ask. 

"Being a good boy mommy." He replies making my heart melt. You see I have a thing for being a Dom too, but nobody knew that except Adrian. 

"Dom's and Little's can spot another Dom or Little from a mile away. We knew the moment we met you." Jack replies answering my conflicting questions.

"I want to be your Little. I don't have a Dom." Andy replies. I look down into his beautiful blue eyes, running my fingers through his soft blonde hair. 

"Of course I will be your Domme Andy." I reply. 

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