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Life is Soo beautiful if we love every small thing around us! It may sound funny but it's true life is too precious if v live every minute of it,but me ragini never got a chance to live my life it's either my granny or others who lived my life too. i was never allowed to do what I wanted,nor did I have the courage to voice out my feelings!
I was always commanded to do things my granny loves me and I love her so I always believed she will give me the best and yeah she selected lakshya for me but at that time I thought my infactuation to b love and became obsessive over a man who never cared for my feelings and I joined hands with sanskar who used me for his own revenge motives.
Revenge makes one really dirty sometimes!
Obsession is really a psychological problem,it made me an entirely different person! I now feel disgusted over my actions and I regret my actions Soo much! Obsession makes a human a beast!
I was always a puppet in hands of ppl and then I made sanskar realize his mistake and he thanked me for that.
IAM glad that at least he got to change his ways! He was grateful to me for making him realize his wrong deeds.
After all v had misunderstanding over things!
Like I misunderstood a mere attraction to be love and he misunderstood his family responsible for his lover's death!
Swalak marriage happened without any drama and I accepted my crimes in front of everyone.
I thought I will get an understanding family but little did I know that I never had a family!
I thought they will forgive me but they just spat cruel words on me.Granny and dad whom I loved the most next to my mother janaki killed me by their cruel words and they disowned me and shomi ma whom I thought loved me like my own mother said that i tried to take swara's place just like my mother tried to take her place.How stupid of me to even give her the mom's position? She was selfish like anyone else here!
I wanted to shout and say to her that my mother was not the one who snatched her damn rights but she was that intruder who messed everything but I was too shocked to even speak and when swara said that IAM always a stepsister I felt numb and sanskar tried to support me only to b stopped by ram uncle and lakshya the man whom I thought I loved asked me if I had shame and spoke ill about my character! That's when he was shut with a very tight slap on his cheeks and I was about to fall due to all these drama when a strong arm caught me,yeah the same arm which touched that brat's cheeks and it was none other than my close friend come brother John and I could see the fire in his eyes which was holding lots of emotions and with him are my soulsisters's Julie and  saburnisha who were ready to kill lakshya any moment.
IAM safe now! Save me from these monsters!
And then I remembered where azar Anna and when I saw him he was punching lakshya harder in his face and I tried to control him and atlast controlled him and they all  hugged me and kissed me and again these ppl started to bad-mouth about our sacred relationship and that's it for me I spat all the anger I had on them all these years and told how I was made to do things and how I craved for love and at this time many eyes were overflowing with tears including mine but not my parents nor maheshwari's except for sanskar.Dad and granny said that iam never a good luck for them and I killed my mother because of my badluck my soul died yeah my stupid heart broke into million pieces for there unfaithful people and then I fell on floor with a thud and then I took the million pieces of my heart and with determination said that I will not live with them and turned to run out only to b stopped by my friends aka siblings azar,John, Julie, saburnisha who were having chain of emotions in their eyes which held anger,disgust towards those monsters and love,care for me!
I turned to them and said
" The one who never was truthful to one woman should be called something else but not a man and he says iam bad luck"
" The one who was elder to everyone but still never understood the real meaning of love and care called me names too"
"The girl who always spoke as if IAM her life says that IAM her stepsister! Oops IAM sorry,u r noone to me not even a stepsister.U don't deserve me"
"The woman who I thought was a motherly figure is just like anyone stepmother! Less understanding more judgy and who had an affair with my so called biological father says that my mother took her place! Wow! Nice job"
"And the most disgusting spineless creature,lakshya who doesn't have any right sense to lift a finger against me asks if I have shame? Seriously u fell for a woman just by looking at her external appearance and u call it love,idiot have some shame u disgusting man"
Everyone put their heads down in utter shame and insult!
After all whatever the girl said was true!
She was misguided but now she knows what she wants and how she should live!
Ragini couldn't stand in the same place as those monsters did and turned to leave! She saw her buddies!
They were Soo angry and was ready to kill everyone that raised their fingers and voice against their ragini!
Ragini knows what will happen if they stayed there and so she took those angry birds(her dear friends/siblings) with God knows where!


I am gotta start my journey to become the confident ragini with my true family😘the one's for whom I can give my life for!

Give me a chance,let me show u the other side of me!

If u like me read my story!

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