Ragini-sir!u r the best brother😍

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After the ride, everyone went to change their clothes and after sometime the boys came.
Azar:this ladies take a lot of time to get ready whatever maybe the situation they never know what punctuality means.Especially this sabur takes alot of time to get ready don't know what to do with this idiotic girl.
John: oh Azar! Why does it affect u? My sister is a sweetheart and it's her husband's headache not urs so chill.
Azar(mind voice):what does he mean? Idiot iam going to b her future husband and I only should worry and she is mine only mine u idiot.
John(mind voice):hehe he must b scolding me but who cares he should know to respect my sweetheart then only I will let him marry her and smiled
John:before speaking about my sister look at ur sister.
Azar:shut up u monkey she never takes much time like ur sister.She much b helping them.And y do u care it's her husband's headache
John(mind voice): I know he will say something against me😂but brother Azar the same thing how my sister is ur's ur sister is mine
Azar(mind voice):u thought u only can pull my legs? Even I can donkey!
Both glared at each other but smiled internally
Maan:again started to scold my sweetheart sister's u donkeys and both pouted and said
Azar and John:mama don't always support ur sister's
Maan:I will u idiots because iam their elder brother
Ajju:hey what if someone scold ur ragini?
Azar,John:we will beat the shit out of them and they will regret their behavior throughout their lives
Ajju:then how can u idiots do this to others sister's
Azar and John:ah ah eh errr and scratched their heads and said sorry
Ajju smiled while maan felt proud of geet's upbringing and his little brother's maturity
All the ladies witnessed these things and felt the same as maan
Sabur:Anna I love u and jumped and hugged ajju
Julie:yes Anna I love u and jumped on his back.
Ajju:aww sweetheart's pls don't break my bones and both left him while he held their wrist and kissed their forehead's saying I love u more and caressed their hair sweetly
Ragu(mind voice):wow sir is great.And unknowingly said to herself"why can't he kiss me"?and when she realized what she thought she turned tomato and mentally slapped herself and admired their bond
Then they thought of eating something and had their lunch while speaking crazy things and they had their lunch with lots of laughter and fun
Then they left for a park.While all were playing ragu went to take the camera which she gave to maan.Maaneet sat and was speaking something while ragu came
Maan:geet why r u worrying for these kind of things?
Geet:u don't know maan how much ever I tried I can't come out of those horrible days and ppl
Maan:even I had faced those kind of betrayals I can understand u very well bby
Geet:u know maan when I was 13 I lost my parents and ajju was just 10 by then.Ajju always used to play alot,laugh alot.He was the reason behind all of ours smile's
When Dad and Mom left us alone in this world,we had food,shelter,v had ppl who showed fake love on us to get the properties but amidst all these I had my sweetheart brother
When geet was crying thinking of her parents.Ajju came and wiped her tears
Ajju:Akka where did mom and dad go?
Geet: they went to God ajju and started crying
Ajju:u r crying because our parents left us na Akka
Geet:yes ajju and started crying more
Ajju: u don't worry Akka I will go to God and bring our parents
Geet hugged him cried saying that we can't go to them ajju
Ajju:no Akka I will request God because I can't see u crying
Geet was shocked, surprised,amazed,was at the peak of happiness listening to her little brother's words
Ajju:I also miss them Akka but I can't see u crying wait I will go and ran to a ganpathi idol and asked him to send their parents as his sister is crying
Ajju:God I can't see my sister crying pls send my parents to us.
Mom used to give u Prasad na but I don't have any Prasad now so if u want something take me and give my parents to my Akka
Geet ran and hugged her brother kissing him throughout his face and hugged him as if he is her life and cried saying
Geet:no ajju how can u leave ur sister don't speak like that and all.I will die without u,u r my everything ajju and hugged him and he hugged her back
Ajju:I love u too Akka even I can't live without u don't worry Akka I will always love u truly
These ppl around us r not true akka I will never let anyone hurt u and will always b ur shield and both cried
Flashback ended
Geet:He said all those words from his heart maan.He never let anyone hurt me he will cry if I get hurt.He grew up as a shield to me and lost his true self and became a calm person who smiles rarely.
He never really let bad eyed relatives and ppl near me.
U know na what and happened.
Geet started to cry
Maan kissed her forehead and said
Maan:I know everything bby.Ppl were cruel but I let u speak now to make it heart light but I made a mistake sorry bby and kissed her while she hugged him saying he is the best.
Ragu who listened to ever single thing had tears and she really felt very sad for geet and ajju as she was not their for them when they needed her
She cried and ran from their and cried again and thought of geet's words and felt really proud of ajju.
She felt many emotions but she can't make out what she exactly felt for ajju and saw ajju who was speaking to one of his clients in phone and smiled no blushed no she didn't knew what made her go tomato looking at him.
Ragu-sir u r the best brother 😍😘

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