Chapter 25

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I wake up and sigh. I grab my phone and see that I have a text from Jacob. 'Good morning. I was wondering if you wanna meet up for coffee at 12:30?' I smile and get up. I walk into the living room. David is with Dom. Why is Dom here? I couldn't move. I can't think. I just walk back to my room and slam my door. I'm so angry. Why is he here? Why is David talking to him. I hear a knock on my door. I don't say anything but David comes in. "Get out" I said mad. "Gwen let me ex..." he said touching my shoulder. "EXPLAIN WHAT?!? WHY HES BACK HERE? WHY YOU LET HIM BACK IN AFTER HE DID WHAT HE DID?!? SAVE IT IM GOING OUT" I yelled getting up pissed. "Where are you going?" "Get out" I said looking at him. He sighs and walks out. I look at the time 11:30 I grab my phone and text Jacob. 'Yea sure. Where is the coffee place?' I go into my closet and pick out a outfit. I put on ripped skinny jeans red flannel and a black t-shirt with my black vans. I put my hair into a pony tail and so light makeup. I then grab by bag and my phone. I sigh and walk into the living room. I see Dom on the couch watching tv. David walks out of the bathroom. "When are you gunna be home?" I look at him and roll my eyes. "I don't know" I said walking out of the door. I look at the time 11:55 I sigh and look at the address. I'll have to get a taxi it's to far to walk.

I make it to the coffee shop. I feel like shit. I forgot to take my medicine. I sigh and then walk in. I see him and walk over. "I'm sorry I'm late something happened" he shrugged. "It's okay" he smiles. I sit down. "So how are you today?" He asked handing me a pice of banana bread. "Thanks. I'm fine" I fake smile. He looked at me and smiles. "If you don't mind me asking why do you live alone?" I asked curious. "I wanted to start a youtube channel and start over start I guess so my parents said I could go to California because they trust me" I nod. We finish the banana bread. "Wanna go on a walk?" I nod. I stand up and start felling dizzy I hold on to the chair for a second. "You okay?" I just nod. I take a deep breath. "Sorry we can go" he gives me a concerned look but ignores it. I then start feeling really hot and feeling pain in my appendix I start couching a lot. "Gwen what's wrong you don't look okay" he asked worried. The pain starts hurting a lot more. I start feeling really hot and dizzy. "Gwen. Do you need me to call David?" I just nod. I feel my body falling. He catches me. He grabs my phone from my back pocket. "Is his name David in your phone" he said worried still holding me. I nod.

David pov:
'Hey David this is Jacob her friend can you come 'coffee place name' now?
'What's wrong?'
'I don't know but hurry please'
'I'm coming'
I grab my keys and run to my car. I quickly drove over. Once I get there. I jump out of the car and run over to them. "What happened is she okay?" I said freaking out. "I don't know" he said scared. She still couscous which is good. "Dose anything hurt Gwen?" She nods and points to her appendix. I feel her forehead she's burring up. "Can you call 911 please I'll hold her" he nods. I hold her in my arm she's coughing and shaking a lot. What's going on? I'm so confused. Is this all my fault? Is it because Doms is in the house. The only reason I let Dom in the house was because he needed to get his things. I don't like him I fucking hate his guts. He kept on staling by sitting on the couch and doing dumb shit. When Gwen left I freaked out on him and threw all his shit at him. I just didn't wanna fight in front of her. This is all my fault. "I called they are on her way" "thank you can you explain kinda what happened" he explained and I sigh. They ambulance come and take her to the hospital. Jacob wanted to come so I just told him to drive with me . We hop in the car and drive over to the ambulance.

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