chapter 39

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I get dressed and put in light makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and go into the room. "Ready?" Jacob asks sitting on the bed. "Let's go," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

We make it the restaurant. The waiter comes up to us and leads us to a booth. "What can I get you guys to drink?" he asked as he hands up the menu. "Can I get a sweet tea?" the waiter nods and turns to Jacob. "Dr.pepper" He waiter nods "be right back". We open our menus and look at the food options. "Boner wings?" Jacob said confused. "What?!" I asked looking at my menu to see what the hell he was talking about. "OHHH BONE-IN WINGS!!" he said laughing. I could help but laugh as well. "Babe you're special," I said rolling my eyes. "Ohhh the cheese lasagna looks really good," he said looking at pasta. "Really? I think the grilled chicken looks good" He looks at me with discussed. "That comes with asparagus" I laugh. "yeah asparagus is good" he shakes his head.

The waiter comes back with our drinks. Jacob ends up ordering the chicken parmesan. While I order the spaghetti and a house salad. "So if u were any animal in the world what would u be?" he asked me very seriously. "This determines everything" he added. "Oh, I don't know let me think long and hard on this" He looks at me with wide eyes. "Don't hurt yourself there" I playfully hit him. "Okay okay, I would be a...honey badger" He takes a sip of his drink. "Interesting. Why?" he asked intrigued by my answer. "I'm cute but intimidating," I said laughing. "You are cute but you're as intimidating as a bunny" I cross my arm and huff. "Fine, if I'm a bunny then what animal are you?" I asked waiting to hear his answer. "Oh easy a dog" I look at him confused. "Hello a man's best friend and I am very loyal" I nod. Not going to disagree there.

This rest of the dinner we talk about random topics. Jacob pays the bill and we decided to go get dessert. We make our way into munchies. "Favorite ice cream flavor go!" I said as I put cake batter frozen yogurt in my cup. "Buttered pecan" I turn and kiss him. "Correct answer," I said in an agreement with him. He blushes. I go over to the toppings and put some on. I pay for dessert before Jacob could get out his wallet. "you pay for dinner, I pay for dessert" I said as he rolled his eyes.

We sit down at a table next to a group of girls. This one girl walks past us. I see her look at me very intently. I look at Jacob and we shrug not really caring. The girl grabs some napkins then sits down. "I don't think that her" on of them 'whisperers'. I chuckled at her attempt to be quiet. They keep looking over at us. "we're famous" Jacob said loudly. I hit him on his arm and laugh. "Stop," I said trying to stop laughing. The girls' mouths drop open. They freak out amongst themselves. Jacob could help but laugh his ass off. I try and control him but the girls walk over. "Are you Jacob and Gwen?!" they ask trying to calm down from the freak out they just had. "Yes," Jacob said as he stopped laughing. "Can we get a picture?!" I nod "course" they get out there phones and we take photos with them.

We make it back home. "Hey," David said in the living room. "Hey" me a Jacob responded at the same time. "Where did u guys go?" He asked watching tv. "Dinner" He nods and Jacob sits down on the chair next to him. "Good, Jacob really loves the Boner wings" Jacob's eyes widen and David looks at him. "I have to take a shower bye," I said running off before anyone could say anything.

I get dressed in my pajamas and open the bedroom door. I see Jacob in bed arms crossed. "I hate you," He said huffing. "Oh no, you don't. You love me" I said laughing. "Thanks to you me and David had a talk about boner wings" I start laughing. "Sorry" I give him a kiss and lay down in bed. I yawn and he puts on the office. He knows me too well. "Goodnight," I said cuddling up next to him. "Goodnight" he kissed the top of my head.

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