Chapter 38

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"Baby" Jacob said waking me up. "Good morning," I said yawning. "Made you breakfast," he said handing me a try with french toast, fruit, and orange juice. "Aww thank you, baby," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Of course", he went to the dresser and got out some clothes. "I'll be right back I'm going to take a shower" I nod and start eating my breakfast.

David calls me into the living room. Isle my way out of the room. "What's up?" I ask keeping alert in case he's trying to prank me. "I'm heading out, I'll be home later" I nod and he gives me a hug and walks out the door. Jacob is sitting in the balcony looking out at the street. I smile and go and join him. "Hey, there cutie" He turns to me and smile. "Hey" I take a seat next to him. "How's it feeling?" he said mentioning my arm. "It's better," I said honestly. "that good, are you hungry?" I look at the time '3:45 pm' last thing I ate was breakfast. "yea kinda" he nods and gets up. "Let's see what I can cook up for us. I follow him to the kitchen.

He ends up making us some grilled cheese. "Here you go malady," he said bowing while handing me my sandwich. "Why thank you, my lord," I said as I grab him. "you're so cute," he said bopping my nose. "Let's pick out a movie," he said going to the couch. "Do u what a soda?" I get me a sprite "Yeah, hand me a coke" I get him his coke and it next to him.

"Ohh THEY HAVE BOLT!!" Jacob yells in excitement as he sees that Netflix has bolt. "OMG AND THEY HAVE MULAN!!!" He looks Disney is adorable. "Which one do u wanna wat-" before I could get my sentence out he yells "COCO" on the top of his lungs. "Coco it is," I said laughing while pressing play. "You can't argue with me Coco is the best Pixar movie" I shake my head and disagree with him "Up is" He gives me a shocked look "You just attacked me," he said touching his chest like he's hurt. "What about Disney movie?" he asks hoping I would say the same as his. "Tangled 150%" I'm very passionate about that movie. I can recite the whole movie. "You've saved yourself with that one," He said winking at me. I laugh and roll my eyes.

We finally finished coco and I think that it's safe to say that Jacob cried more than me. "You okay there?" I ask as he's sobbing. "NO IM NOT OKAY! THE GRANDMA DIED, THAT FUCKING DE LA CRUZ BITCH KILLED HECTOR OVER HIS SONGS HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL" he said looking at me. I couldn't help but laugh. "Would it make you feel better if we watched tangled" a big smile appears on his face. "Yes," I grabbed the remote and put on the movie. "I'll get some snacks" even though we just had lunch it's never a bad time for more food. I grab some Flaming lemon Cheetos, Cookies, Sodas and a bag of skinny pop popcorn. I walk over and he's so intrigued with the movie. I hand him another soda and sit next to him. "Thanks, babe," he said not taking his eyes off the tv.

The scene where Flynn and rapunzel walk into the snuggly duckling comes in the screen. "MY FAVORITE SONG IS ABOUT TO COME IN!!" I hell in excitement. As soon and I hear the music I jump up. "I'm malicious, mean and scary My sneer could curdle dairy!" I tell jumping around like an idiot. Jacob found it pretty amusing he videoed me.

The movie is over and I'm out of breath from belting and dancing to all the songs. "You had fun didn't you?" Jacob said laughing. "Loads," I said smiling. "Do you want to go out for dinner? Just me and you" I would love that. "Sure of course," I said happily. "We should get ready then" we both get up and get ready.

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