Take Me Home

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Take me on the other side...
Let me rest my soul in your palm,
Rip me off and cast out this sadness–
A poison that's been killing me for ages.
Take me on the other side...
Where joy abounds and smile ain't prohibited–
A place where I will no longer bleed
And tears are not visible.
Take me on the other side...
To a place where I can rest my shoulders,
Where I can get rid of my luggages: Insecurities, pain, and worries.
Take me on the other side...
To a place where I can finally have a fresh breath of air,
A place where I will never be weary,
A place which i can call home.
Take me on the other side...
Take me somewhere far,
Faraway from this cell I'm in;
Far from misery and loneliness.

Dear Chosen OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon