Who are you?

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"Hey, what do you want to eat?" I shouted over the blasting music to Roland, who was standing right next to me. He looked around and opened the fridge.

"How about this pizza?"

I smiled. "I thought you didn't like pineapple on pizza!"

He laughed. "It can't hurt to try." I nodded and he took the pizza box out of the fridge. Next I get the plates and popped some pizza in the microwave. As we waited the song 'Skinny Love' came on. I smiled and swayed a little.

Roland took my hand and bowed a little, "May I have this dance?" He questioned as he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it, I blushed slightly... okay maybe a lot.

"S-sure." I curtsied a little and he put a hand on my waist as I put a hand on his shoulder. "I should warn you though, I don't really know how to dance."

He chuckled. "Thought so. We will take it slow then." What does he mean by 'thought so'?


We danced around the kitchen laughing and stumbling until we heard the microwave after five beeps.

"You weren't joking when you said you sucked at dancing!" Roland yelled as he took a humongous bite of pizza.

"Hey! I only stepped on your foot seven times!"

He laughed. "Yeah, seven on each foot!" He stated as he was laughing his butt off.

"Oh shut up and eat your damn pizza!" I took a bite of mine.

"I will eat my damn pizza, and I will enjoy it!" He took another bite of pizza leaving not even half left from just two bites.

I smiled, "So how do you like your damn pineapple pizza?"

He nodded swallowing a chunk of pizza. "Way better then I thought it would be!" He finished his first piece as I laughed. We talked a lot more as Roland devoured about a whole box of pizza when we heard a knock at the door. Roland and I looked at each other, he turned the music off as I peeked out the window. There was a strange man standing there in a crisp white suite. He had black hair the was slicked back with tons of hair gel and he was very tan, but the weird thing about was that he was wearing sun glasses.

Today was cloudy.

I looked at Roland and he looked back. He motioned over to the door, gesturing me to open it. I walked over to my brightly yellow door and slowly reached for the knob. I opened the door slot as well. "H-hello?" I said as the door opened.

"Hi there!" The man quickly replied as he made his way into my house.

"Umm, excuse me, but who are you and why did you just barge into my house?"

The man looked at me like I had just asked him what 2+2 is. "Who. Am. I?" He stated each word to precise detail like he practiced saying it in the mirror.

"That's what I asked."

He looked devastated. "Oh dear sweet child, how do you not know me?"

I thought for a moment. "Because this is the first time I have met you and you still won't tell me your name?"

He shook his head. "My name is Anwir Chesed, you can call me sir Anwir or Mr. Anwir." He looked around the room as he stated with his pompous attitude his ridiculous name.

Roland stared straight ahead uttering three words that were barely audible. "Destroys with lies"

I looked up at him, what was that supposed to mean? Destroys with lies? I mean the guy does look sketchy, but still, he hasn't even had a conversation with the man. Anwir turned swiftly and walked straight toward Roland who stood completely still until he was standing only a foot away from him. "So you're the child of the famous Waywards! They were quite the couple who always had the right ideas."

Roland quickly held up a hand. "Please refrain from talking to me and also I am not a Wayward, the child you are talking about is Indie."

Anwir looked confused then looked around. "Well then, where is the boy I must talk to him!"

I quickly piped up, "U-um, I'm Indie Wayward." I stepped forward a little.

He shook his head once more walking towards me and leaned down towards my face, a little to close for my liking. "You can't be the famous Wayward child that Wendy always talked about and that Terry was so proud of!"

What? "How did you know my parents?" I grabbed is shoulders quickly. I need an answer, he might know who did what was done! Let's just say he took a few steps back.

"Hey, just calm down! I work in their office, you know, the one you inherited."

What? I inherited the Wayward Business? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this? Anwir cleared his throat. "Look, we thought that we should tell you before the will was read." That's right. The reading of the will is the day after tomorrow, though since I am an only child I am pretty sure I get everything.

"You're going to the funeral?"

He looked at me like I was the stupidest person ever. "Well duh! I am the manager of Wayward finances."

Him manager? Me boss? How is that even possible?

"Also you are preparing a speech, correct?"

My turn to turn him into an idiot. "Well duh! What child doesn't prepare a speech for their own parents funerals?"

He turned his head with a grim face. Success.

"Of course. Also before I forget, you must come to the company tomorrow and greet everyone, well most everyone, and begin preparing to run the company."

I nodded. "Sure."

He nodded back and held out his hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you Indie."

I shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine."

He quickly let go and briskly walked to Roland and held a hand out. "I didn't quite catch your name, but-" I didn't catch the last part, he spoke to lowly for me to hear. Roland shook his hand cautiously and Anwir smiled too big and excited through the door, closing it behind himself. Roland watched him closely until the door was completely closed.

He looked pissed.

Him and I looked at each other speechless for a while. I broke the silence. "That.... was an interesting visit."

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