Getting ready

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He, he just kissed my forehead? W-what?

I held my face which was a bright red.

Why would he do that? I feel dizzy, maybe I'm sick? Maybe I should sit down.

I quickly went and sat down in front of my mirror, which I pulled all my blankets back to. My face really is bright red! Oh maybe I just have a fever! I got up and ran to find a thermometer and popped it into my mouth then waited. "98.3" So I don't have a fever. Urrgggg! what wrong with me! I wish I could talk to someone about this. I went and sat back down in front of my mirror. Maybe I'm just going insane. Maybe I already am insane. I laughed a bit, "Yeah that's it! I'm just going insane! I'm even talking to myself!" I sighed and fell backwards, then turned to my side hugging a blanket. My heart hurts.

~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~

Oww! My back is killing me! but I guess that's my fault for sleeping in the floor. I walked into my kitchen and got a bagel and cream cheese. I ate as I surfed through the channels on the T.V. Nothing good on today huh? The 8:00 news was on as someone knocked on the door. Urrgggg, it's too early for interactions. "Who is it!!" I heard a laugh, "It's a robber!" I took a bite of my bagel and shallowed, "The key is in the plant!" There was a brief pause then the door opened. "You know you shouldn't tell people where you hide the key to your house." I looked at Roland as he sprawled out on the couch across from me. "Well it is just you." He sat up and looked offended, "Excuse you? Just me?" I nodded, "Yep, just you." He laughed well glad to know what you think of me." I nodded and laughed, "And how do you think of me?" He looked over at me as he laid back down on the couch, "Let me get back to you on that, in the mean time you should get dressed." Holy crap! I'm still in my soffees and a spaghetti strapped tank top! "Be right back!" I jumped off the couch and ran into my room. I quickly threw on some jean shorts and put on a basketball jersey, today's jersey is a Miami heat and I stacked my wrist with bracelets. I walked back into the living room. Roland smiled and stood up and walked over to me. "I brought you your clothes that you left at my house, my mom washed them for you." he handed me a bag with my clothes, I placed it on the counter behind me, "Thanks." We smiled, "shall we go?" He nodded and we got up and I put on some black nike slides. We walked out the door and started for the wayward company.

~~~~~A really long walk later~~~~~

"That was the longest walk I have ever been on and it's way to hot to go walking!" Roland stated as he wiped sweat of his forehead. I laughed, "You're just out of shape." He laughed sarcastically, "Says the one gasping for air." "Oh just shut up and get in the air conditioned building!" He laughed and we walked into the eight story business. We walked into the front office where there were about three groups of guys all in suits and three to four men to a group. I walked up the reception desk, "Excuse me, is Anwir here today?" She looked at me like I was a giant nuisance. "If you're talking about Mr. Chesed he is not in right now, so will you please leave." How dare she! This is my freaking company! She can't just tell me to leave! "Umm excuse you?" She sighed, "What? Do I have to call the cops?" I laughed in disbelief, "Sure go ahead, but they can't kick the owner out of their own building." She shook her head and stated under her breath, "Rotten brats making my life difficult." She then smiled and looked at me, "Look you might not of heard, the owners of this business have passed and Mr. Chesed is operating things right now." I sighed and pulled out my license," Look my name is Indie Milada Audrey Wayward and I am the boss of this company and I could fire you right now for being the rudest bitch in the room right now!" The whole room gasped and looked over, the receptionist was silenced, "Now if you don't mind I'm going to my office." No one in the room moved a muscle except for me and Roland, who wore a grin stretching from ear to ear. We hopped in the elevator and went to the top floor then walked down the long hallway filled with pictures of every basketball and volleyball team/person in the world. We stopped at a pair of double doors. Roland looked down at me, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah." I took in a giant breath of air then opened the doors.

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