The reading

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We laughed until Roland reminded me that someone was at the door and I nodded, a bit disappointed that we had to stop dancing. I grabbed my phone and walked to the front room and opened the door while inhaling a giant breath of air.
Not him again. I quickly smiled, "Hello Mr. Anwir." Again he was wearing a spectacular suit with purple accents and his hair was combed back and boy did he use a butt load of gel, maybe even the whole container. His shoes were also very shiny like he had never worn them before. He looked me up and down and shook his head. "You're gonna wear that to your parents will reading?" I smirked, "I could say the same for you. You obviously didn't know my parents very well." I glanced back and saw Roland standing in the doorway to the kitchen. His face was full of what looked to be anxiousness. I looked back toward Anwir and his stern face. "Well anyway I have come to pick you up for the reading." I smirked and nodded, "Alright, but I have a plus one so I hope you have room." He looked a bit confused at first, but straightened up, "I see well we should hurry then." I nodded and turned to look at Roland, who was already walking towards the door. We started to walk together to the car behind Mr. Anwir, but as it turned out we weren't walking towards a car, but a shiny black limousine. Mr. Anwir opened the door for us, I hesitated a bit, but entered the vehicle awkwardly and Roland followed in behind me then Mr. Anwir behind him, closing the door as he seated himself. I sat close to Roland as Me. Anwir sat across from us. We sat in silence. The limousine was fully loaded with a miniature fridge and a tele with the news playing. There was a giant car crash on the interstate and a humongous traffic jam. Roland's face twisted and he looked away, "Can we turn this off?" He asked quietly. Mr. Anwir nodded and reached for the clicker to turn off the tele. "Problems with car accidents?" Mr. Anwir asked without even looking up from his phone which he had pulled out of his pocket. Roland readjusted himself in his seat, "Yeah, something like that."
A problem with car accidents? He's done this before when I spent the night. I wonder why he doesn't like them, well I mean no one likes car accidents or any accidents to be honest, but Roland is different about this.

We drove for some time in silence time. I squished close to Roland which was probably annoying, but he didn't say anything. Roland was concentrated on the trees passing by outside and maybe the mountains in the distance. I wonder what places without mountains look like? It's probably boring living there. Well growing up in California they're always there so I guess I'm just used to seeing them.

We drove for a while longer then we finally arrived at a huge building that was painted black, with huge windows filling every story. Right above the front door of the building it read, 'Attorney Law Firm '. "After you." I looked up to see Mr. Anwir smiling at me while raising his hand to the building. I took a breath and started to walk towards the building, As I walked I felt Roland's fingers interlock with my own. We entered the building quickly and quietly, Mr. Anwir started talking to the lady at the front desk, but they were talking in hushed tones so I couldn't really hear. The woman stood up and smiled, she had really pretty teeth. She was wearing a black skirt that went to her knees and a red blouse that was semi-tucked into it. She had brown hair that was twisted into a bun on the top of her head and her makeup was kind of sloppy, but it still look presentable. She nodded her head to the left stating that's the way we needed to go and began waking. We followed her to an elevator that took us to the third floor and to the right down a long hallway until we reached the very last door at the end of the hall. The woman once again smiled at us and then opened the door. I felt Mr. Anwir nudge at my back and I began to walk forward into the large room. In the room there sat a man at a huge desk in front of a wall made completely out of glass overlooking the ocean and mountains. The man cleared his throat and smiled. He offered us a chair and we sat. I was in the middle and Roland sat on my right while Mr. Anwir sat to my left. "Why hello, my name is Jonathan Simmons, you may refer to me as Jon sense you are my clients." He looked at us each in turn then turned his attention to the pile of papers in front of him. "What would we call you if we weren't your clients?" Roland asked with a lot of sarcasm. Jon glared at him for a split second, but went start back to a composed smile. "Mr. Simmons" He answered quickly and then went back to the papers. "Shall we get this reading started?" Mr. Anwir looked at me with an awful smirk and nodded and I nodded back a bit creeped out. "Yes, lets start." I made the final agreement out loud. Jon nodded and flipped to the first page. "Alright then."

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