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I inwardly sigh out of annoyance I was dragged through a vast crowd while loud music made my eardrums bleed. No matter how hard I tried to resist my friend and colleague would tighten their hold around my wrist.

"Is this really even necessary Hanji?"I called over the noise.

"Yes you old sour puss! It is time for you to get out and live a little!"They cackled.

I frowned deeply at the comment. I do live just not to this level. What point is there to get wasted and find oneself in a ally with a massive hangover? Many things can go wrong if not keeping track of your liqour take.

We eventually made it through the sea of people to the bar where waited another friend and colleague of ours, Erwin Smith. Hanji practically throw me into the seat next to Erwin and started ordering our drinks.

"Glad you could make it."Erwin smiled knowingly that I was forced against my will.

"I would say I'm glad to be here but wait I'm not!"I snarled.

Erwin shook his head."This is for your own good Levi. It is not health for to sit at home all day or overworking. We are only doing this because we care."

"Oh so your plan was to bring me here on a school night to get me wasted, which in fact isn't very healthy at all! Not to mention-"

"Give it up for Eros!"An announcer's voice echoed making everyone cheer and whistle at the man on stage.

He was dressed in a tight black leather outfit with jewels on the right side of his chest and left hip. His black hair is slicked back and his brown eyes held a predatory gaze almost as if taunting the crowd to come and touch him. His long slender fingers curled around a thick pole that stood in the center of the stage making the crowd go even more wild than before.

"This is a strip joint!"

Erwin only smiled before whistling at the stripper called Eros as he did his routine. I ought to say I was impressed by how well he had enough strength to hold his body up on the pole.

"Amazing isn't he?"The bartender with a Russian accent sighed dreamily as his eyes ogled at Eros.

The bartender slides our drinks down to us without batting his eyes away from the performer. The crystal clear eyes sparkled with desire and something more.

"I take it that Eros is the top dancer here?"Erwin asked.

The bartender nodded with pride featured on his face."Oh yes my little piglet is very popular here but I suspect that (...) will replace him when he retires."

"Hey hey is it possible to get a dance from your top strippers?"Hanji leaned over the bar with interest. Although I doubted they were asking for themselves the way their eyes narrowed in on me.

"Oh certainly except Eros."The bartenders smile falters replaced with a warning glare.

"Okie dokie!"Hanji grinned. A grin that meant only trouble and I knew I was in for it tonight.

"That was Eros everybody give him hand!"The crowd erupts into cheers and howls as Eros takes a bow and leaves the stage."Up next is Le chasseur!"

"Oh boy you are in for a wild ride."The platinum haired man chuckles as a different upbeat song is played.

A figure struts out onto the stage in a military like outfit. The hat is lowered making it difficult to see his face but most were mostly staring at his defined body. The glitter makes his arms, legs and neck shine as if inviting the crowd to try to take a bit out his creamy tan skin.

Indeed we were in for a ride.

I had to say that when Eros leaves Le chasseur will take the lead as tops dancer. His movements were fluid as if he didn't even need to try. His legs held tightly onto the pole as twists and twirls around in. Lifting his body and arching his back makes my mouth run dry as sweat slides down his muscled body. Such a wondrous if not erotic display I've ever seen.Before I knew it the dance was over and the crowd cheered and howled so loud it almost shook the room.I hadn't felt so turned on in months and after seeing that I knew I must meet him.

"Hmmm made your choice already?"Hanji grinned from ear to ear.

I nodded while inhaling my drink in one go."How do I get a dance from Le chasseur bartender?"

"Please call me Viktor, the bartender, Viktor smiled."Just go back stage and present the right amount of money to the security  guard and tell him who you want to see."

"Well come while the night is still young!"Hanji grabs hold of my wrist and drags me to the back.

"Good luck!"Edwin called out before paying his attention to the next performer.

The security guard is a man with a bit of meat on his bones but also had muscle. On on his name tag it read "Nishigori".He gave us a observant  stare to be sure we weren't a threat of any type which is understandable. There are crazy bastards who have sick intentions to harm or threaten a stripper.

"My friend is wondering if Le chasseur  would be able to give a private dance for him."Hanji explained with their best innocence look.

Nishigori looked me over for a moment before asking me to spread out my legs and arms. I did so letting him use his metal detector to scan for any type of weapon in me. The only metal I had on me were my keys and belt which I had to hand over to Hanji. Luckily my pants were a nice fit so I didn't have worry about them falling off.

"For thirty minutes its sixty dollars. For an hour it is a hundred and twenty."Nishigori explains.

Hanji does a double take at the outrageous price."That much?!"

"Yes,le chasseur, as well as the top five are quite skilled in their profession."The man explains with a shrug."Its not my rules."

"Okay here."I said handing him sixty. If the guy was really good as people say, which I don't doubt, I planned on paying the full hour.

Nishigori takes it and places the money in a lock wallet before putting it back in his hidden coat pocket. He then motions me to follow him back stage where we passed by a dozen or so performers. A few of them eyed me lustfully. Others tried to gain my attention which I paid no mind to. We came to a door with the number two  painted in silver. Beside the door is a name slip the read le chasseur.

Nishigori knocked on the door." you have a visitor."

A few seconds later the door opens to reveal a shocking sight. Standing in front of me is a tall brunette with sea green eyes with a hint of gold around the iris. His tan skin is still painted with glitter but his uniform is replaced with a deep green robe. His mouth hanged up in shock and fear when our eyes met.

"M-Mr. Ackerman!"He grasped out.

"Eren Jäger."

Coup de Foudre: Love at First SightWhere stories live. Discover now