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I felt his heated gaze as I tried to hide behind my textbook. I've been dreading today since Wendsday which was two days ago. Plans on how to avoid facing him were thrown out the window knowing I wouldn't be able. He'd track me down without a doubt.

I peek out from behind my book to gaze up at the clock. Thirty seconds until the bell. I counted down agonizingly as I slowly backed my things.

RING~The bell rang.

I shotup from my seat like the rest of the class who were eager to go home. But before I could make it to freedom I stopped when my name was addressed.

"Jäger, stay behind for a moment. I need to have a word with you."Mr Ackerman said sternly.

I gulped knowing what he was about to say. Defeated I waited for the last student to leave the room before closing the door behind them. My teacher motions me to sit in one of the front row desks. With my shoulders hunched I over I slipped into the seat in front of his desk. Mr Ackerman rests his hips against the edge of his desk with his arms crossed.

There was only silence for a few awkward moments until he finally speaks up.

"What were doing there Jäger?"

"Um working?"I replied.

"As a stripper? Why not at a shitty fast food restruant or as a intern? I thought you were smarter than this Jäger!"He rubs the bridge between his eyes easing the stress away.

What does he need to feel stressed anyways? It's my life and a road to choose to take. A good choice? No. But it was the only way to pay him back.

"Look you don't understand what I'm going through right now nor do I need you to. Just let me get through school and live my own damn life!"I quickly make my way towards the door until I felt a tight grip around my wrist.

"Eren you are too young to mess up your life. A life that hasn't even begun. Please think about what you're doing to yourself and those around you."Mr Ackerman then released my wrist.

"You don't understand."I whispered and left the room and out the building.

On the way home I made a quick stop to the supermarket. They had some food and snacks on sell I made sure to get enough that wood last for a least a few weeks until  next payday. My house was really a small apartment that I managed to find cheap and sturdy enough to live in. The landlord is a kind old geezer with a bit of a drinking problem but isn't the type to scam his tendents or raise the rent to ridiculous prices. Next door to my apartment is my best friend and coworker Armin Arlet.

Armin is very smart which is why he doesn't go to school despite we're the same age. He does a college course online so he rarely ever leaves the apartment unless its for work or shopping.

I knock on hisdoor before opening it. The place was very neat with only a few toys scattered here and there. The girls must've had fun I thought as I gathered them up and placed them in the toybox. I find Armin furiously typing away while two little girls, a blond and ravenette slept next to each other on the floor with blanket draped over their small forms.

"Hey Armin."I whispered taking a seat next to him.

Armin jumped a little but relaxed seeing that it was just me."You almost gave me a heart attack! "He whispered yelled.

"Oh come on it'll take more than that to kill ya."I nudged him playfully.

Armin rolled his eyes but smiled either way."How was school?"

I dogged into one of the grocery bags and handed him an energy bar seeing the dark circles under his eyes."Good, swell, fan-fucking-tactic!"

Armin unwraps the bar and takes a huge bite out of it before giving me a look of concern."Okay what happened?"

I spilled the beans about what had happened a few days ago and whys had happened today. I was still trying to process everything it was too overwhelming. One word from teach and things will certainly go down hill from there.

"Has he said anything to the other teachers?"He asked.

I shook my head."Not that I know of."

"Well I have a feeling Ackerman won't say anything because if he had you'd be suspended is not expelled for one; having a job and two; as a stripper."Armin stated.

I let out a breath still feeling uneasy about everything." I just don't want anything to go wrong and get Mikasa taken away from me."

I turn my sights over to my little sister. He long black hair spreads across the floor. Her arms wrapped protectively around her friend and Armin's sister Annie. She looked so peaceful which is only when she sleeps. Otherwise if she were awake she would be on high alert about her surroundings.

"Just try to think positive okay?"Armin sighed while wrapping an arm around my shoulders to give a comforting squeeze.

I leaned into his shoulder needing the comfort."Yeah, I'll try."

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