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I didn't know what to do. To be honest I've always found Jäger attractive but not to this extreme level. And to make matters worse he Ian underage stripper! Life sure likes to fuck me over I suppose.

I sat in my apartment cradling a glass of wine in my hands. No matter how many drinks I had to try to drown the thoughts of my students it kept coming back in waves. The memory of him dancing on that pole, how I wanted to run my fingers down his glittered skin.STOP IT ACKERMAN! I shake my head to get rid of such thoughts.

"Why is he even working as a stripper anyways?" I asked out loud although I didn't expect to be answered.

"Money troubles?"Hanji popped out from behind the couch startling me so much I almost dropped my glass.

I glared at the four-eyed freak but allowed them to continue. I should've gotten used to them barging in my home unannounced but I wasn't. No matter how many times I changed those damn locks they always found a way to get in.

"Because he enjoys it? Or is in depted to someone? The list goes on and one Levy."Shitty glasses said.

I scrunch up my nose at the horrid nickname."True but Jäger? Isn't he one of the best students in school? Despite his tendencies to pick a fight with Kristain?"

Jäger and Kristain often fight within school ground almost three to four times a month. They were like cats and dogs I tell you. We try to separate them as much as possible but is quite hard when they are two of your best educated students.
"True but you might want to look into his home life."Hanji hands me a file with Jäger's name on the front. The school has a file of every student from medical to contact information.

I skipped through what I already knew until I got to his living situation. His mother is deceased whilst his father is missing but haw been pronounced dead as of five years ago. Jäger has a five year old sister, whom in which he is raising  and they live alone in a small apartment dwelling not too far from the school. I ought to say the kid had it rough no wonder he had to practically sell his body just to take care himself and sibling. He reminded me of myself.

Saturday night I returned to the club. The place was more crowded and rowdy as ever but I was more focused on finding a certain student. I spotted him, topless and wearing tight black shorts and black knee high wedges. His body like the other "employees" was covered in gold glitter making his skin shine in the dim lighting. He was accompanied by a short blond who wore more clothes than his friend.

"Jäger!"I called over the noise.

Jäger looks around until he spotter me coming over. He lets out a sigh before dismissing his friend."Mr Ackerman, what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you here, again?"

"Drop it Jäger, here."I throw a few hundred bills at him and watch him clumsily watch them. He counts them while gazing up at me cautiously.

"You know you practically bought me for the rest of my shift right?"He asks.

"Not really nor do I care."I shrugged."go put something decent on, I'll meet in the front."

Ten minutes later the boy comes out in faded jeans and a plain t-shirt with a grey sweater over his shoulders. I lead him towards my car and open the passenger door for him before climbing in myself.

"Where are you taking me?"Jäger asks eying me with suspicion.

"Just shut up and enjoy the ride. You'll know when we get there."

The boy huffed crossing his arms over his chest pouting. The drive only took twenty minutes. Our destination was a twenty-four hour café that I am well acquainted with.

"Coffee, really?" Jäger scoffed.

"And among other things. Now come on we don't have all night."I rolled my eyes at his bratty attitude.
The café had a homey feel to it with the aroma of brewing coffee and pastries lingering in the air. I guide my student to the back where awaited a booth that regular sat when coming here. The menus were already sitting on the table.

"Choose whatever you like."I said.

The brat choose a carmel latte and coffee muffin while I went with just green tea. The waitress took our orders and told us it would be delivered shortly.

"Be honest Ackernan, what are your true intentions?"Jäger leans over the table looking straight into my eyes.

"You are a sharp kid Jäger which is why from now on I will be buying you during your shifts."I said evening the stare.

"Wait what?"Jäger asked dumbfounded by my reply.

"You heard me brat. I don't like knowing my student is out there selling their body just to make it by. You have good potential kid don't let it go to waste."The waitress comes back and  places our food and drinks on the table along with the bill. I wait for her to leave before continuing. "I won't do anything other than just buying your time and taking to places like this. Nothing more nothing less."

Jäger stares down into his latte with a puzzled expression."Why? You don't even know me that well."

I let out a deep sigh."We'll get there. I just want to keep you safe at least until you graduate and you won't have to worry about seeing or hearing from me again." Graduation isn't very far, just around the corner.

Jäger sighs in defeat and takes a long sip of his latte."Fine but until till graduation."

I held out my hand for him to take. He clasps his into mine and shook it firmly."Until graduation."

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