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I kicked open the door from where I heard voices come from which was Jäger's changing/service room. Inside there was a man in his mid forties tied in on of the chairs with a few men in black standing around him. In the corn laid Jäger his eyes wide with unshead tears witty his limbs bond to the bedposts. Luring above him was none other than Nile Dok. The way his body hunched over the boys defenseless body and his clothing dishevel I could clearly see what he intended on doing. And that passed me the fuck off!

"Ah Levi,"Nile greeted none to surprised on seeing me."I've been wondering when you'd show."

"What the Hell do you think you're doing!"I growled.

Nile sits at the edge of the bed as he let his right hand roam along Jäger's bare thigh. The boy's body flinched at the contact."Having fun of course."

"You sick fuck!"I launch myself at him.

Nile saw it coming. He blocked my punch with his hand clutching onto it tightly. I lift my leg to knee him in the gut causing him to double over which I used as an opportunity to sock him in jaw. Nile tumbled to the floor. His props himself up wiping away the blood from his busted lip.

His lips curve into a sinister grin."Brings back memories huh Ackerman?"

Yes, it did bring back memories, heartwrenching memories. I had a two adopted siblings, Farlen and Isabel. It was just the three of us living in the slumps fighting for survival which meant doing dirty deeds to put food in our bellies and a roof over our heads. Eventually our wrong doings caught up to us when our contract assigned us to steal a file from Dok. Little did we know he had the place guarded front to back and side to side. We were surrounded and eventually caught. Dok wasn't merciful towards my siblings as he made me watch them be tortured and their heads slowly decapitated. I had lost my sanity as I watched the heads roll onto the dirty concrete flooring. All I remembered was seeing red slowly turning into a dark abyss. When I came to I was in alley in the dead of night, how I had gotten there I had no clue, other than the fact that I was covered in blood.

I went back to Dok's hideout only to find it in ruins from a fire. The evidence and bodies of my siblings were nothing but ash.

Just remembering what that bastard had done to the people I loved brought back the beast that hide within the dephts of my mind and soul. The rage and grief builds up all at once making my skin prickle and the want-no- the urge for Nile's blood on my hands blocked my right of thinking. Kill kill kill Kill!
Were of words chanting in my mind before everything went black.

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