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To say I was scared is an understatemet. I was downright petrified. Witnessing my own teacher, whom I considered as a friends, snap.Dok's henchmen didn't stand a chance likevat all. The cried, wailed and begged for mercy as Ackernan broke their limbs with such speed that they whereon the floor before I could even blink. Dok on the other hand was a different story.

The man tried to put on brave front as he and teach circled each other like two predatory animals. I could literally see him shaking in his boots, I even think he pissed a little.

Unnerved Dok lounges at Ackerman. Teach seemed to had predicted his moves because Dok couldn't even touch him. He was too fast, too agile. I knew my teach was strong by how many times be broke mine and Jean's fights. Yet this this was on a whole other level.

Ackerman manages to graph hold of Dok's neck and pin him against the wall. Dok dangles few inches above the floor gripping onto teach's arm trying to pry it off to not avail.

"You think I'd let you get away with killing those I love again?!" Ackerman said surly.

Love? I thought feeling my heart clench at the sudden word. Did he really care that profoundly of me.

"Please Levi I'll do anything, please let me go! I'll do anything!"Dok choked. His pale face turning into a deep reddish purple tint color.

"Anything hmm."Teach thought for moment before his lips curled into a grin that even Satan would cower from."Isn't that what they said too?"

Dok's face paled. His body shook out of terror as he struggled to get free from the vengeful man. Ackerman dragged him out of the room. He tunes towards me for a brief second "I'll be back soon, but not too soon" and with that he shut the door behind him while Dok's cries for mercy echoed through the halls.

Dad sat there stupefied by what had just went down. While I just laid there on the bed feeling at ease with Dok's pleas filling my ears.

An hour later Mr Smith comes through the door with several others flowing behind him. He lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that dad and I weren't harmed anymore than we were.

"I had to get reinforcements."He explained a he untied me."but it seems like that Levi beat me to it."

"Where is Mr Ackerman anyways?"I asked.

I rubbed my sore wrists when a blanket is wrapped around my body. The blond rests his hips against my makeup stand with his arms crossed. He looked like he was debating on whether or not to tell me.

"Dok has put Levi through hell years ago and all that rage and grief is finally being released."He said.

So in other words Dok will be dead with thenext hour or unless he's already dead and Teach is mauling his corpse like a pinata.

Dad slowly approaches me before falling onto his knees."I'm sorry Eren, I'm so so sorry."

Looking into his eyes I could tell that he truely was regretful for what he did all those years ago. He tried to make up for it by working his ass up by the way his eyes held heavy bags under them. He looked oh so tired and needed to know that he had been forgiven to finally be at ease.

"Its alright old man, just this time stick around and not borrow money from psychopaths."I chuckled.

"Yes yes of course whatever you say son."I hugged the man finally feeling at peace.

No longer will I have to work as stripper. No longer having to look over my shoulder for the threat that has been taunting Mikasa and I for the past five years. No longer having to ponder about what happened to dad. Everything is gonna be okay.

"Oi Jäger."I looked up to see a disheveled Ackerman leaning against the doorframe. Blood coated his shoes and I could see hints of red in between his fingertips even though he tried washing them away."my place tomorrow, you've missed a ton of assignments."

I let out a pitiful groan but couldn't conceal my smile. Yeah everything is gonna be okay, now that I have a bête for a protector that is.

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