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He's been avoiding me. He's been avoiding me and neglecting to come to school which isn't very smart since graduation is in a few days.He even had the bouncers band me from ever entering the club.

"I need a favor. "I approached Erwin and Hanji once school was over.

"Sure what is it?"Ewrin asked.

"I need you to go to the club for me to make sure Jäger is doing alright. I can't go because I'm banned from entering."I explained.

The two agreed and planned to go to the club that night whilst I stayed home waiting for either of them to report back to me.

"I am so enraptured with this guy? I mean his just another brat that attends my class!"I groaned.

To feel this way brought back emotions that I thought I buried in the depts of my heart. Buried along with her the traitor. I used to think love was nonsense since my ex-fiancée Petra Real, gone and cheated on me with a coworker. To get away from the past emotions I moved to this little town of Maria and worked as a French teacher at St.Maria High.

To think one brat can bring it all back with one seductive look. At first I thought it was just his attractiveness that caught my heart but as I got to know him those past few weeks I started to grow fond of the brat.

So for him to up and ignore me like that made my heart ache. Made me wonder if I've done anything wrong. What I needed to fix to make everything right again.

"God what am I a lovesick puppy?"I muttered.

Ring Ring Ring! I snatched up my phone and answered. Hanji's voice comes through sounding a bit concerned."You won't believe whose here."

Drove way over the speed limit but I could give a rats ass at the time. What Hanji informed me made my heart race and my blood heated with rage.

"You won't believe whose here?"They whispered into the speaker.

"Who is?" I huffed hoping they knew I wasn't a mind reader.


I shoot up from my seat, grabbed my wallet and keys and rushed out the door. I climbed into my car nd speeder down the street."He took Eren towards the back, Erwin is following them now to be sure he's okay."

"Yeah but with Dok you sure as hell know that he isn't!" I hung up the phone when I come to the club.

I parked around the side to be sure I wouldn't get seen by the bouncers. Creeping towards the alleyway I found a backdoor to the club. One of the guards had it ajar so they wouldn't get locked out while taking a smoke break. Slowly I blended in with the shadows and slipped through the door.What poor security.
As I entered further I noticed how quiet the building was. No music booming through the speaks. The sound of people cheering and yelling over to each other. Nothing.

I headed towards the back when I felt the ground underneath me give. A pair of arms held onto me before I could  completly fall on my ass. I struggled briefly until I heard Hanji's voice telling me to calm down.

"What's going on shirt four eyes!"I growled.

"Our boss' client is here."A soft voice answered.

Once my eyes were adjusted I noticed that half the staff was here. The one who spoke was Euros but he looked like an average young man without the makeup and glitter. Holding him close is Viktor who has a grim expression on his face.

"What does Nile want with Jäger?"I asked.

"Money of course."A monotoned voice spoke up.

A woman with a bored expression on her face said."Money?"

A young woman who looked to be a waitress answered for her friend."Eren has had it rough for the past several years. His father ran off with the money Nile provided him leaving Eren to carry the burden."

"Now he's here to collect."Viktor finished."This is why I wanted Yuuri out of here are soon as possible."

Yuuri whom I supposed was Euros' real name curled up against his lover with a sorrowful expression.

"Well I'm not staying down here knowing the bastard could be doing anything to him."I snarled."You all get out of here Nile has had it coming for a long time."

"And why is that?"One of dancers asked.

I stared deeply into their eyes."He killed my family."

Coup de Foudre: Love at First SightWhere stories live. Discover now