Chapter 10

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I waited in the grand Town Hall of the Capitol for the stylists to arrive. It had been two hours since we had got off the train and we were about to meet the people who would be designing our clothes throughout the games. I looked around and saw Clary and Jace engrossed in a conversation and felt a twinge of jealousy. I wished Gus was here.

Augustus had been such a major part of my life and when he'd left, he had left a gaping hole in my heart. I still cried about him from time to time, but I knew that he would have wanted me to be strong. Turns out that it was he who was the grenade and he was the one to shatter my heart into tiny little shards.

To my right, I could see The Doctor and Leonardo daVinci busy talking about something complicated that I could not understand at all. I saw Elsa and Anna making jokes with each other and I wished I had a sibling. And I could also see Tris and Hermione talking about their boyfriends earnestly.

Was I the only one here without a friend? It seemed so. I had better start making some allies if I wished to live. If anybody wanted to be my friend, that is.

Alan Sugar came into the hall and everybody fell into silence.

"Considering we're all from District 14 here, you will be allowed to choose your pairs. It must be a boy and a girl, and this your stylists clothing which describes your personality."

Bob The Builder walked up to me and looked at me. "Would you be my partner?" he asked shyly.

I nodded, surprised that I even got asked but quite relieved. "Oh... Yeah sure."

Out if the corner of my eye I saw Clary and Jace shuffle closer to each other and Bellatrix and Sebastian exchange nods.

"Your stylists will be assigned to you now," he announced.


Short chapter, but we'll update soon. :)

... So don't forget to add it to your library. ;)

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