I want all of you.

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Chapter One

Logan's POV

"Do you know how stupid you are?! She could have drowned! You know she hates the water, we go to the beach every year!" I whisper yelled at Seth, my younger brother and pain in my ass.

"I didn't mean-" he started but was cut off by the most heavenly sound, her voice.

"He has a point, you know?"

I spun around. That's when I noticed her. Standing, soaking wet with a towel wrapped around her shoulders, hair sticking to her face, mascara smudged under her eyes and yet, still managing to look like the most beautiful girl in the world, was Lily Walsh, also known as my best friend, my partner in crime and also the girl I wanted desperately to be my mate. Eighteen years old. With long, light brown hair and beautiful crystal clear grey-blue eyes. I realised that I must be staring at her as I took in her appearance, as she cleared her throat, cocking her head to one side and smiling slightly.

"Smooth" coughed Seth.

Ignoring his comment, "Who?" I asked her.

"Who what?" she asked, looking cute with her confused pout.

"Who were you agreeing with?"

"Oh! Both of you." she replied.

"Care to explain?" asked Seth.

"You," pointing at Seth. "Should have remembered I hate the water, considering it was your fault. If you had never pushed me into the pool when I was six, I could be a regular water baby by now! And you," pointing at me, "Are right to be yelling at him, meanings Ryan won't have to beat him up later. Especially considering he has a date tonight."

"A water baby, hey? Wait a second," I spun back round to Seth, "You have a date? Like a real date?"

"Yeah but-" He started, but I cut him off.

"What? Who? When? Where? How?"

"Well- I mean girl. Alice. Yesterday. School car park and I don't know. I just asked her?"

"Does dad know?" I quizzed. You see our dad who was alpha of our pack didn't exactly like us dating humans. He was always worried we would let it slip that we were werewolves. Even if they were wolves he forbid me from dating anyone as he was worried I would end up with some who wasn't my mate. He wanted me to be a strong Alpha when it came time for me to challenge him and take over the pack, but it wasn't really something I was interested in doing any time soon, so I didn't see why couldn't have a little fun before that.

"She's part of a neighbouring pack so he didn't seem to have an issue," Seth replied. I frowned. How was it dad didn't care he was going on a date with another wolf!?
My face must have shown how jealous I was as he asked, "You jealous? You thinking maybe you could go on a date with a special little someone?" Wiggling his eyebrows he laughed.

"Ohhh Logan has a crush does he?" Lily giggled. "Do tell?"

I laughed nervously, I couldn't exactly tell her it was her and that I fantasised about her every night before going to sleep.

"Wait a second; are you naked under that towel?" I glared at Seth, as he looked at me and winked. I then realised he was trying to distract her. Please God let this work.

"No! Seth that's disgusting! You have a date tonight, for that comment I'll just ask Ryan to beat you up." she said as she glared at Seth. Yes! It worked; you could always rely on Seth's slutty comments to break Lily's concentration.

"Lily, I didn't mean to push you in; it just kinda happened and besides Logan jumped straight in after you." Seth begged her. It was true; I jumped straight in after her. I couldn't stand to see her hurt, there was just this pull to her that I couldn't explain.

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