I saw red.

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Chapter Six

Lily's POV

Six months. One hundred and eighty five days. Four thousand, four hundred and forty hours. Two hundred and sixty six thousand, four hundred minutes. Fifteen million, nine hundred and eighty four thousand seconds. Since I was taken. Since I last saw another Wolf. Since I had last been outside, in the fresh air.

Over the past few months I have felt my strength slowly recuperate. My wolf was closer and closer to the surface; however I am still unable to shift. My wolf didn't want me to; it was like she was waiting for something.

I figured out the only way to survive this kind of thing was to go numb, but I didn't want to survive. Being the instinctive animals we are, we subconsciously fight to live. To survive. We want to avoid injury or death, therefore we are cautious of heights; we respect the powers of water and fire; we are vigilant of predators and threats. We subconsciously fight to survive, even if we don't want to. I don't want to, but my subconscious and my wolf won't let me give up.

As I contemplated my thoughts, a young looking hunter came in to give me an injection. I had learnt months ago that no matter how much I pleaded, no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I cried; they still gave me daily injections of something that stopped me shifting. Before I knew it I was slipping away, in the dark unknown. I just prayed it would be the last time. That this time it would kill me. This time maybe I would see Logan again. Just maybe...

Logan POV

The past six months had been a relentless pursuit, following every lead, every scent, to find his mate, Lily. The guilt weighed heavy on my heart, knowing that she had been taken while I lay unconscious, unaware of the danger she faced. My heart burned with an intense desire to find Lily, my connection to her running deeper than the moonlit forest we roamed. I had caught glimpses of her in my dreams, her presence etched in my mind with an ethereal glow. With every passing night, my determination grew, my instincts urging me closer to her location.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, myself and the pack encountered challenges along our path. The scent of Lily had grown fainter, obscured by time and distance. Doubt whispered in my ears, threatening to dampen my spirits, but I refused to yield. I relied on our unity, our unbreakable bond.

Then, tonight, as the moon shone its brightest, I caught a scent, a delicate trace that sent shivers down my spine. It was faint but unmistakable. Seth, Scott and Ryan, sensing his excitement, rallied around me, our senses alert. We followed the scent, their paws pounding against the forest floor, our pace quickening with every step. It led me to a clearing, revealing a hidden compound nestled deep within the woods. The sight made my blood boil with anger, knowing that Lily was somewhere within those fortified walls, at the mercy of the hunters.

His wolf instincts urged him to charge forward, but he knew that caution was vital. He needed a plan. Taking cover behind a large tree, I observed the compound, assessing the guards' positions and looking for any possible entry points.

The compound was surrounded by high walls topped with barbed wire. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter, their guns at the ready. My muscles tensed as my gaze narrowed on a central building, likely holding Lily captive. I could feel the fierce protective instinct within me grow stronger, pushing me to take action.

Drawing upon my natural werewolf agility, I decided on a stealthy approach. I would infiltrate the compound under the cover of darkness, using my heightened senses to evade detection. I would only take a few wolves with me; Seth, Ryan and Scott. Our wolf forms would grant us the advantage of speed and stealth.

As night descended, we shed our clothes, feeling the transformation overtaking us. My body elongated, my muscles rippled, and my senses heightened. The powerful wolf emerged, its jet black fur blending into the shadows of the night.

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