It's about time!

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Chapter Two

Lily POV

When we were finished, he looked down at me. Wiping away my fringe from my sweaty forehead, he kissed me gently again. I moaned when he pulled away.

Logan chucked, "Guys aren't like girls, I need a minute if you want to go again."

"Sorry," I giggled. "I just can't help myself." I pulled him down for another kiss, he was addicting.

I wondered if this is half of what it would be like to have a mate. Maybe I wouldn't mind finding mine early so I could have a lifetime with him. I suddenly felt sad, the probability of Logan being my mate was slim. There was thousands of wolves in the world if not hundreds of thousands. I felt my heart clench and a lump form in my throat. What if he found his mate before I did?
Not only would I lose him as my friend, but now I'd loose him for whatever this was. I would be on my own.
I pulled away from him, we needed to get cleaned up and I didn't want him to see how upset I'd become, besides Alex would be here any minute.

"We need to get dressed," I told him, trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible. He sighed moving off me so I could get off the bed.
I walked over to my clothes that I had picked out earlier, throwing on my bra and panties. I had just put my leg through my pair of denim boy shorts when I heard the doorbell go.


Alex was here.

Logan was in my bedroom, on my bed, butt naked.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I quickly put my shorts on and threw my top on over my head, once I was dressed I started chucking clothing to Logan.

"You need to get dressed now," I pleaded. "She can't know we slept together."

"Why?" He quizzed.

I heard the door unlock downstairs, footsteps and my older brothers voice. My heart dropped out. Oh shit.

"Logan you're going to need to go out the window," I whispered to him.

I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

He turned to me startled as he pulled up his jeans, "What? Lily, I can't do that!"

"Shift, I'll take your clothes, and jump out that fucking window if you care about me at all!" I was starting to panic now. If Ryan walked in right now, he'd know and he'd kill Logan on the spot.

"Lily, you in there?" called Alex.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute, I'm just getting dressed." I called back trying to sound calm.

'Please,' I mouthed at Logan.

He rolled his eyes and went to take off his shirt when suddenly Alex opened the door, hands over her eyes.

"Not like I haven't seen it all before," she giggled. "I'll even be nice and keep my eyes shut!"

I quickly crossed to the room and clasped my hand over her mouth and shut the door behind her. Clearly startled, she opened her eyes in a panic. Her eyes wide she stared at Logan and then turning her head to look back at me.

"Do not freak out or scream," I whispered to her as I removed my hand from her mouth.

"What the fuck?" She looked between us before bursting out laughing. "Oh my God! Do you two fuck?"

"Shhh, Ryan can't know! He'll kill us both," I said. "We need to work out a way to get him out of here!"

"Hmm, how about I go down and distract Ryan. You turn on the shower and it should cover any noise. Then lower him down from your window?" She suggested.

"She couldn't lower me down, Alex," dismissed Logan. "It would need to be the two of you to do that."

"Not true! When Scott nearly fell through the decking last month, Lily was able to pull him up from the water like he was nothing. Isn't that right?" She shot back.

I nodded.

"You were able to pull Scott up? Scott who is 6 foot plus?" Logan quizzed me looking at me in shock and confusion.

"Yeah my wolf helped me, like takes over. I'm not really sure how I do it," I shrugged looking at my toes. I didn't want Logan thinking I was some kind of freak, I always had a deep connection to my wolf. Deeper than even mated wolves.

He looked at me in awe "He must be at least 220lbs! How do you-"

"Now is not the time to be chatting about how awesome Lily is," said Alex cutting him off. "You happy to try this?"

I nodded, she quickly left the room. Once I heard her calling Ryan's name I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I went back to Logan, opening my bedroom window.

"You ready?" I asked.

He nodded. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply I focus on my wolf. I felt my strength surge, taking one last deep breathe I opened my eyes. Logan looked at me shocked, his mouth hanging open.

"Your eyes," he stammered. "It's not possible. You've got your wolf's eyes."

I ignored his comment, I could talk about this later. I just needed to get him out of the house first. Pushing him to the window, he got the hint and climbed out holding onto the window pane.
I grabbed his hands and helped lower him as low as I could go, half of me hanging out the window. His feet were about 5 feet from the ground when he let go of my hands, dropping to his feet. He looked up at me.

I whisper yelled, "I'll seen you in a few minutes if you still want to take me to the BBQ?"

He nodded and blew me a kiss before jogging off to his house.

I straightened up and let out a breathe of relief. I turned off my shower and crossed to my mirror. Staring back at me was me, same brown hair, same freckles but my eyes, instead of their normal grey-blue they were bright icy blue; my wolf was still in control. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply I willed myself to come back to the surface. Feeling my wolf retreat along with my added strength I knew I was back. Opening my eyes, I looked myself over again. Same brown hair, same freckles and finally my grey-blue eyes.

I grabbed my brush and quickly brushed my hair through, throwing it up in a ponytail. I grabbed my make up bag and walked out into my room. I opened the door and called down to Alex.

"If you're quite finished flirting with my brother, I'm out the shower!" I yelled. I heard her giggle and I rolled my eyes, she just couldn't get enough of Ryan. Glancing at the bed I noticed the messy sheets, I quickly stated making my bed as I heard footsteps on the stairs. I just finished as I heard my door shut.

"Don't panic," Alex smiled. "It's just me!"

"Did he guess anything?" I asked as I sat down on my bed.

"Nope," she said popping the p. "I can be very distracting." She wiggled her eyebrows as she sat down opposite me.

I laughed, throwing a pillow at her, "Thats my brother you're forgetting!"

"You're hot brother," she corrected.

I rolled my eyes and moved off the bed, settling down in front of my mirror I opened my make up bag. Alex came over beside me and started setting makeup out in order.

"Do you want a full face or more natural for lover boy then?" She asked.

"More natural," I said. "I can see you're dying to ask so just get it over with!"

She squealed clapping her hands, "So what was it like kissing thee Logan Shields?"

Sighing, I threw my head back and moaned softly. Looking back at her, I emphasised, "Electric! Honestly if this is half of what it's like to have a mate, then my mate with make me orgasm as he kisses me!"

She chuckled, "So you never did answered me earlier! Did you or did you not fuck?"

I giggled, nodding.

She squealed again, "It's about time!"

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