I'm coming for you.

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Chapter Five

Lily's POV

I woke up again in a place that was unfamiliar.
I was in someone's bedroom on the bed, I struggled to move but I could break the bonds tying me to the metal bed posts. Just then the man from earlier entered. He chuckled, looking at my predicament.

"You see my dear Lily, being up here all alone, we hunters never get to enjoy the company of a woman," he said slyly, trailing his finger down the side of my face.

I involuntarily shivered in disgust. Was he thinking of pleasing himself with me? Dear God please don't let this happen!

"Now Lily," he spoke as if to comfort me, yet I knew he was going to rape me. "I want you to stay relaxed."

As if I was going to say still, I was going to try and fight him off for as long as there was breath in my body.

Even though I knew in my heart Logan was dead, it didn't stop me from mentally and physically screaming for him to come and rescue me from this nightmare.
I only ever wanted to be with Logan, with that thought I only screamed harder.
I knew it was no use. I could tell by the hunter's smug ugly face, this was happening whether I wanted it to or not.
Yet I continued to scream, I prayed that Logan would somehow hear me.
I was strong, but I didn't feel strong enough for this.
Even if he was still alive, after this he would no longer want me. He would find someone else, someone who wasn't dirty and used, someone who could have fought off these monsters, someone who wouldn't be plaged by these memories.

Someone who wasn't me.


After he was finished, I willed myself not to cry. I felt disgusting, so dirty and used. How could I have let that happen? He reached out and stroked my cheek with his finger. I resisted the urge to spit in his face.

"Now you are mine forever," he whispered. That did it. Turning my head to look at him, I spat straight into his face.

"I will NEVER be yours," I growled. "Just kill me and get it over with."

"YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT," he screamed, slapping me hard across the face. Then started punching me over and over again.

'Don't scream; he is just waiting until you scream. If you stay silent, he could kill you, you will be with Logan again,' I thought to myself.

He punched me hard in the ribs. I couldn't help the wimped that escaped my lips, as I heard several of my bones crack. Instantly he stopped.

Looking down at me he sneered, "Does that hurt?"

"No," I replied try to sound confident, but my voice shook slightly betraying me.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME," he screamed, slapping me hard across the cheek, he lift a knife from a table beside the bed.
"I will ask one more time, does it hurt?"

"No!" I shouted, I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me.

"Well then I guess you are up for round two?" he said, trailing his knife down the side of my face and across my breast, cutting deep. "I know I am."

I felt the bile rise in my throat. I was not going through this again, so I moved my knee up as hard and fast as I could, hitting him right in the balls. He grunted, doubling over.

"You are going to regret that," he vowed, slapping me hard.

With that, he got off the bed and dressed, leaving the room. I knew I wouldn't be able to do that every time so I just prayed someone would find me soon.

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