Youtube Party (Ch 6)

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//1 Week Later\\

It has been one week since Matt woke up and he is feeling better. Right now I am hiding under the bunk bed. Matt and I had gotten bunk beds the other day. Why I'm hiding? Well I may or may not have silly stringed Dads whole room. Oops?

Anyways right now I am hiding under the bottom bunk.

"Kris! Where are you?!" I hear dad yelling. I hear footsteps near the door. I see the door open and someone walks in so I scoot closer to the wall. I hear my closet open then I hear the person check in my bathroom. Suddenly I am pulled out from under the bed.

"Ahhh!" I turn around and see dad standing there. "Uh.... Bye!" I say getting up and running out of my room. I look back and run into someone.

"I caught her!" Kian yells picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

"Kian! Put me down!" I yell hitting his back as he walks outside. Oh no not this again.

"Kian! Don't you da---" I was then thrown into the pool. "Really?" I say looking at Kian. I then see dad run outside.

"Go clean up the mess" dad says.

"But Matt did it also!" I say. I get out dry off and then I hear a splash. I turn around and Matt is in the pool. He gets out and I hand him a towel.

"Thanks" he says.

After we finished cleaning up the silly string Matt and I join everyone in the living room. Matt sits on the ground while I lay down across Dads, Connors and Rickys laps.

"Hello!" I say, "So what are we doing the rest of the day?" I ask.

"Well we are all going to a party with a bunch of other youtubers so you might want to go get dressed. " Dad said.

"Cool! Where is it?" I yell jumping up.

"Its at a beach house" after dad said that I ran upstairs to take a shower.

I finished and got out. I put on a plain turquoise one piece incase we swim. I don't like wearing bikinis, they make me feel like I'm just in my underwear. I put on a plain what flowy top and some high waisted shorts. I put on some waterproof mascara and eye liner, and I grab my white sandals. I put a waterproof case on my phone and put it in a beach bag along with some headphones, sunscreen and I braid my hair and put some sunglasses on my head.

I walk downstairs and everyone is ready.

"Took you long enough" Trevor says.

"Well get used to it, you are living with a girl now." I say.

"I don't live here!" Trevor says.

"Whatever!" I yell and we walk out to the cars. In Kians car its Kian, me, Matt, and Dad. In Rickys car is Ricky, Connor, Trevor, and Sam.

We arrive at the party and we see a lot of people.

"Lets Go!" Dad yells and we pile out of the car. Dad had showed me and Matt a lot of videos on youtube. I have been watching youtube a lot more and I would say my favorites are Zoella, Tyler Oakley, and Joey Graceffa.I walk in and I see alot of people whos videos I have seen.

I walk around and I bump into someone.

"Sorry!" I say.

"Its ok love!" a perky voice says. I look up at who said it and I see Zoella. "Hi I'm Zoe" she says.

"Hi I'm Kris, Jc Caylens adoptive daughter"

"Oh! It's so great to meet you! I heard you also have a twin brother right?"

"Yeah his name is Matt"

"Cool so do you want to go swimming?" she asks.

"Yah! Lets go!" I say and we walk outside to the beach. We find a place and put our towels and stuff down. I take off my top and shorts and stick them in my bag.

"Lets go in the water!" I say pulling Zoe with me.

We mess around in the water for a bit then we get up and dry off. We walk back inside and go our separate ways. I see Matt talking with someone so I sneak up to him and jump on his back. "Boo!"

"Hi Kris, can you get off of me please?"

"Is wittle Matty gwumpy?" I say messing with his hair.

"Hey! I'm 10 minutes older!"

"Well I'm more mature!"

"I'm taller!"

"I'm smarter!"

"I'm sexier!"

"Huh? I don't see it." I say.

//2 Hours Later\\

It was time to go and we were saying bye to everyone. I met a lot of really cool people. We say bye all that stuff then we get into the car. We get home and I take a shower and change into my pajamas. I say goodnight to everyone then I climb up into bed and fall asleep.

GAHH I couldn't think of something to write so ya! crappy chapter

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