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*Kris POV*

I wake up and see that i'm in my bed. How did they get me in my bunk? I get up and hear the shower running and that Matt isn't in bed. I hear the shower go off so i grab some clothes. 

"Morning" Matt says walking in.

 "Morning! I'm going to take a shower now." I say walking into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get out and put on some mid thigh shorts, a starbucks tank and some converse. I put my hair in a pony tail and walk downstairs.

When I get downstairs I see eveyone is awake and eating one of the best foods every created, "BACON!" I yell grabbing a piece and scaring everyone in the process. 

"Good morning" I say hugging everyone. I see there is also pancakes so I grab some and eat them, obviously. We finish eating and Ricky goes down to AwesomessTV to do something, Kian goes to Sam's house,and Connor says he's going to go hang out with a girl he met.

Me, Matt, and Hayes were in Matt and I's room and Dad,Nash and Cameron were making a youtube video. 

"I'm going to the bathroom" Matt said getting up. 

"TMI" I yelled and he laughed. Once he was gone I asked Hayes,

"When is the date?" 

"How about tonight and we leave at 6, but we have to talk to your dad and Nash first" he said. 

"Ok and we also should tell Matt" 

"Tell me what" Matt said walking back in the room. 


"I asked Kris out" Hayes says for me and I blush.

"What! When!" He said. 

"Yesterday morning" I say and Matt starts jumping around. 

"Wait does dad know?" he asks stopping.

"Not yet" I reply. 

"Go tell him now" he demands. 

"Let me go down first" Hayes says then leaves the room.

A few minutes later I hear dad. 

"KRIS! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I look at Matt with wide eyes and I walk downstairs. 

"Yes dad?" 

"You are not old enough to date" he says.

"What?! Yes I am!"

"No you are not! You will not be dating yet!"



"YOU ARE NOT MY DAD!" I yell and his face drops and he leaves,slamming the door. I just run upstairs and into my room, crying, and I lock the door. Matt had followed me when I went downstairs. I lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep. About and hour later I wake up to banging on my door. I get up and unlock my door and everyone, but dad, falls into my room. 

"Has anyone seen Dad I want to apoligize" I say. 

"He's in his room, We heard what happened" Kian said and I walked to Dads room.

I knock on his door and he mumbles come in. 

"Dad I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that,I love you I'm sorry" I say hugging him.

"It's ok, I was being unreasonable, you can go on the date." he said hugging me back. 

"Really? Thank you" I say hugging him tighter.

"No problem, But If he hurts you don't hesitate to tell me, I love you" he said. 

"I love you too dad."

556 words. So some DRAHMAH (translation DRAMA).... But it all sorted out. Next chapter will be the date. Soooooooooo....I'm awkward :/ BYE!!!!!!

<3 K xxx

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