Break up and Daddy-Daughter Time (Ch 19)

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*Kris' POV

Its been a few days since Hayes, Nash, and Cam left. Hayes and I have been skypeing and stuff. To be honest it hind of feels weird to be dating. We are skypeing right now talking about random things.

"Hayes, Can i ask you something?" I ask.


"Does us dating feel weird at all to you?"

"Actually yes it does" he says

"Do you think we should-" I start.

"Yeah I think we should break up, at least till we feel its right to date, if we want to date each other again" he said.

"Ok I agree, but we could still be besties!" i say and he laughs.

"Ha! Besties it is then, Oh my gosh i sound like a girl" he laughs even more and then i hear Nash yell.

"Hey Kris I gotta go, I'll talk to you later, Bye!" he said.

"Bye!" I say then end the skype call.

I walk downstairs and see dad setting up his camera and lights.

"Hey dad! What are you doing for your video?" i ask, helping him.

"In doing Types of People On Instagram" he said, "So how did your chat with Hayes go?"

"Well uh," i start, "We broke up because it felt weird dating, but don't be mad at him he did nothing" I say.

"Ok, well I'm ok with that" he said.

"We agreed that if we ever wanted to date again we would, but it just feels weird right now." i say.

We finish setting up the stuff and i help dad film his video. If your wondering where everyone else is, they are all penny boarding. We finish filming and I watch dad edit. Then while it uploads dad and i decide to have some daddy-daughter time so we grab blankets and snacks and we watch movies. In the middle of the movie everyone came back, but they went up to their rooms to let us have our movie night. By the 3rd movie I end up falling asleep.

"Goodnight baby girl" i hear dad say.

"Goodnight daddy" i say drifting off to sleep.







Thats Robbert, He says "Hope you like the story! Lalalala"

Im so random....

Hope you like the chapter

Luv y'all!!!

:* Kisses!


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