Car Crash, Andrea's POV (Ch 11)

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*Andrea's POV*

Kian and I were on our way to get fro-yo when we stopped at a light. When the light turned green we went, then I looked over at Kian and saw a truck about to hit us.

"Kian!" I yelled he looked and the car hit and I blacked out.

I woke up and I was still in the car. We were upside down and Kian wasn't moving, "Kian?" I said trying to wake him up. I then heard sirens.

"Is everyone ok?" I heard someone say.

"I think I have some cuts but my boyfriend won't wake up" I said and then people started helping me out. When I got out of the car I saw them put Kian in an ambulance and leave with the light flashing and siren on.

I got in an ambulance and they drove to the hospital.

"Is Kian going to be ok?" I kept asking and they just told me he was ok and that they had to take him into surgery. They cleaned up the cuts I had and I noticed I had my phone in my pocket so I called Jc.

"Hey Andrea how-"

"Come to the hospital asap Kian and I got in a crash and they took him into surgery" I said crying.

"Ok we'll be right there" and with that he hung up. I then called Sam and told him the same. Within 30 minutes they got to the hospital.

"Andrea are you ok?"

"Is Kian ok?"

"What happened"

"I'm ok, I think Kian is ok, he's in surgery, and we got in a car crash, I think it was a drunk driver" I said.

After about 20 minutes a doctor came out.

"Kian Lawley" he said and we all stood up.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" she said to me.

"Can Sam come with me" I said pointing to Sam and he nodded. We walked away from everyone and he started talking.

"Ok Kian had alot of cuts from the glass that we had to stitch up, luckily he didn't take any damage to the head he had just blacked out." he explained.

"Oh thank God" I said letting out a breath.

"Can we see him?" Sam asked and the doctor told us the room.

We walked over to everyone and told them what the doctor told us and we went to his hospital room. When I opened the door and saw him laying on his bed and he had stitches all on his arms.

"Kian I'm so glad your ok!" I said hugging him lightly carefull not to hurt him.

"I'm glad your ok too" he said.

After and hour the doctor came in and told us that Kian can leave so he changed back into his clothes and we left.

469 words. I had another idea but I didn't like it so i did this :/

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