(Ch 13)

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*Kris' POV*

"What was I thinking, everyone sees it, its not a secret thar I'm just a reject!" I yell/sing while jumping around my room.

Dad said he was going to pick up some friends at the airport and that they would be staying for a while. Right now Matt is in the shower and Dad had texted me that they will be back in an hour, and that was almost an hour ago so he will be here soon.

Once the song finishes I turn on 5 seconds of summers cover of american idiot and continue dancing. Then Matt walks in and joins me.

(A/N Pardon the language)

Don't wanna be an American idiot.

Don't want a nation under the new mania

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

The subliminal mind **** America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the alienation.

Where everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of tomorrow.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.

Well maybe I'm the ****** America.

I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.

Now everybody do the propaganda.

And sing along to the age of paranoia.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the alienation.

Where everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of tomorrow.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.

Don't want to be an American idiot.

One nation controlled by the media.

Information age of hysteria.

It's calling out to idiot America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the alienation.

Where everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of tomorrow.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.

I then hop in the shower and when I get out I put on a white lose tank top that says "But you're not luke hemmings" and jeggings. I braid my hair and put on mascara, eyeshadow, and lipgloss.

I hear the front door open and I hear dads voice. I walk downstairs and I see dad and 3 people that look familiar and one of them looks my age.

Then Matt walks in.

"Kris, Matt, this is Cameron Dallas, and Nash and Hayes Grier" he says pointing to them.

"Oh! Now I recognise you! You are those people on vine!" I say.

"Matt can you show them them the guest room" Dad says, and Matt starts walking and they follow.

"Where are the other guys?" Dad asks.

"Connor is in the shower I think, Kian went out with Andrea, and Ricky is hanging out with Trevor and Sam."I say and he nods.

"Ok Im going to go take a shower" Dad says then walks off so I just go up to my room and sit down at my desk. I open up my computer and turn on music. I turn the volume on low and I start to draw.

I draw some lyrics from different songs then Matt walks in with Hayes. I close my computer and turn around.

"Hiya" I say.

"Hi! Kris right?" Hayes asks.

"Yeah but with a K not Ch" I say and he chuckles.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?" I ask randomly and they say yes so we run downstairs and set up the game.

"Dibs on Toad!" I say chosing my character. Matt choses Wario and Hayes choses DK. We start the race and we are now on our last lap.

"No, no, no, NO!" Matt yells as I beat them.

"Haha! I won I won!" I chant jumping around the room. I look over at Matt and he looks 'mad' and Hayes is just laughing causing us to start laughing with him.Once we stop laughing we play mario kart the rest of the day, and get to know Hayes. A couple times one of the other guys would join us and lets just say, I ALMOST beat everyone.

Im Back! Ok so i will post another chapter tomorrow because honestly i am really tired at the moment. So yeah, BYE!

<3 K xxx

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