Happy Birthday Twins! Last Chapter (Ch 20)

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*Kris' POV*

// 6 months later \\

"Happy Birthday!" I am awoken by screaming.

"Go away!" I hear Matt yell and I look at everyone and see Nash, Hayes, Cam, and the other magcon guys, we met them about 5 months ago, and I see dad and all the guys,The fab 5, Skye,Trevors girlfriend Andrea(a/n not russett! he name is xoxomellows on here),and I see Maddie, Mackenzie,and Zach.(a/n Zach is a character i just added!)

"Thank you so much guys!" I say jumping off my bunk and hugging everyone. Matt gets up and hugs everyone. Then he gives Zach a kiss on the cheek. Matt told us he was gay (a/n if you don't like this twist, too bad) about 6 months ago, and he met Zach at a meet and greet.

"No PDA!" I yell and everyone laughs. We all go downstairs and eat pancakes with bacon.

I then go upstairs and get dresses in a black skater skirt and a white button down shirt. I put my hair up in a sock bun and put a black bow to finish off my hair. I then put on light neutral makeup and grab my phone and take a picture.

I tweet it saying

'15!! Outfit for the day!' and attach the photo.

I go back downstairs and dad tells me and Matt that we are going to got to the movies. So Dad, Skye, Matt and I jump into the car and head to the movies.

//Skip Movie\\

We pull up to the house and Skye runs in and closes the door. We walk in and dad turns the lights on and everyone jumps up,

"Surprise!" They yell.

"Guys! Oh my gosh! You scared me!" I laugh.

I look around and see streamers , balloons, and a whole bunch of other decorations. I then start to cry.

"Don't cry!" dad says hugging me.

"I'm sorry, this is the first birthday party Matt and I have had in like 8 years." I cry hugging dad, "Thank you so much, for everything, I love you dad."

Matt joins in the hug then Ricky yells "Group hug!" and we were attacked by a thousand hugs.

I'm so thankful for this family, I'm so glad Jc adopted us. I'm glad that I was

Adopted By O2L.





I will be making a sequel!

I hope you liked Adopted By O2L and Don't forget to look out for a sequel!!!!

I love you guys,

:* Kisses!!!


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