Chapter 1

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Ok, when did Bitney become a thing? Like, it doesn't even sound right. Who ships BITNEY? Not me.

So when I walked into my hotel room to find them GRINDING on each other, I consequently wanted to death drop into a volcano. I mean, who wouldn't after seeing your crush and your best friend GRINDING on each other? Wait. Did I say that out loud? I don't have a crush on either of them. Nah that's not me. I'm a fucking Libra. Libras don't do crushing.

Anyway, as I gasped in shock and horror, Roy (who is surprisingly a top) manoeuvred his way off Shane and onto the floor, which would have been funny if the situation were different. We all just froze and remained silent until Shane said my name in his ridiculously sexy accent. God, I wish I were Australian. I had no idea what to do so I just stared at them, like a fucking idiot, slowly sidestepping into the room and grabbing my heels. Then I sprinted the fuck outta there. I ain't gonna stay for an orgy. So that's what I'm doing now- running through the hotel like a crazy chola.
Bitney? More like... I can't think of anything right now, but when I do I'll let you know.

So I go in the bar and order vodcaaah, because I sure as hell need it after seeing that shit- and then this other idea comes in my head. Royne. Shane and Roy. UGH I wanna throw up. I feel so stupid. To think, I wanted to tell Roy of the butterflies I get when I see him and how his chocolate brown eyes light up his cold heart and...

That's it. I'll just drown my troubles in vodka. I'm sick of this shit. I really need to get out more.


What if I DATE A FELLOW DRAG QUEEN AND GO IN ROY'S BEDROOM AND FUCK THEM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THAT WILL SHOW THEM. But which one? Weirdly, the only queen that I can actually think of is Madame LaQueer and I've never even met her.

Madame Adore LaDelano.

If I were a fan girl, I would ship it. Okay, that's pretty funny. Madame Adore LaDelano. Oh gawd I like this game. Adore and Ivy Winters- Adore Winters. Adore and Tempest DuJour- Adore DuJour. Jeez I can be a funny bitch when I wanna be but then my phone buzzes and I see a text from Roy. Ugh. I chuck my phone on the floor and it lands screen-first with a dull thud. Fuck Roy. Fuck me. I wish Roy would fuck me. What? That escalated quickly.
"Are you okay?"
I look up to see Brian staring at my phone.
"Great. Fine. Amazing. BRILLIANT," I say aggressively, tired of everyone's shit.
"Danny?" Brian looks really concerned now. "What's wrong?"
"Roy. Shane. Grinding."
"That's shady."
"Tell me about it. Now I'm trying to remove those memories with alcohol."
Brian picks up my slightly smashed phone and looks at the message. "Roy says: I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you but I knew you would jump to conclusions like you always do."
"What does that even mean?" I aggressively yell. "Can he be a decent human being for once?"
"Shhh people are staring."
"I don't give a fuck, Brian." Oh shit I'm crying now. Maybe it's hormones. Maybe it's the alcohol. Whatever. I'm making a complete fool of myself by full on weeping. Brian looks at me awkwardly and escorts me out the bar and into the cool, calming reception, that made my sobs seem even louder.
"Baby, are you okay?" Justin, Trixie (in drag) and Aaron sprint over.
"I'm fine."
They all look at Brian for an explanation.
"Roy and Shane are fucking," He explains.
"WHAT?" They all chorus.
"Shane. Roy. It makes zero seeeense," Aaron states. "Well, I know you have a thing for Roy so I under-"
"I DO NOT!" I say stubbornly. Honestly, crying in the middle of a fucking hotel basically proves the theory but hey, whatever.
"You loooove him," Teases Justin.
"I think that you should tell him," Adds Aaron.
"You should," Choruses the Brians.
"Jeez what is this, Rolaskatox?" I say.
Everyone laughs THANK GOD- but seriously, I can't tell him. He has a BOYFRIEND and he'll hate me.
"TELL HIM!" Yells Trixie.
"Tell who?"
Oh god. Oh god. It's Shane- has he overheard everything?

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